Hi Everyone!

Im kinda new here.. i had joined about a month ago. When i first started my journey to loose weight i was 228 and then i came across mfp! When i joined mfp i think i was down to 209 already. The past 2 weeks i have not been logging in much and i feel like im getting off track here.Any suggestions to say motivated ?? I have 2 kids my youngest is 16 months and my oldest is 13 who has autism....there are days im just plain tired!


  • Debx12345
    Hi, I've been here a couple of months and struggling to lose more weight, I only have a small amount I want to lose, but it's biinking hard work! Try and get into the routine of logging again, and try to add abit of exercise, and of course "me" time. I have an autistic kid and know how you feel. Have sent you a friends request. stay positive.
  • chellepaz
    Hi Girls,

    Just to saw hello. My name is Michelle and I am new here. I am not feeling that happy with myself. I hope to loose 10kg to feel better. It is nice to have an opportunity to share feeling with you girls here. Let's keep each other motivated!! It is so hard to say no to a nice warm food and its cold outside.

    Tchau tchau