How much can be healthily lost in 3 months?

Okay so I'm 150 lbs at 5'1" tall, 19 years old. My bmi says that I am overweight and close to being obese. I know that a lot of the weight is fat because my legs are muscular and barely have any fat in them, and my arms aren't big. Also, I can just SEE all of it is on my stomach and partially back. My body structure is pretty small. I have an event coming up in 3 months, and my goal weight is 120. I know that I won't lose 30 lbs in three months, but I would like to know what a realistic goal would be to lose by then. I was thinking maybe a little over 20, because I've been just eating healthy and I've dropped 3 lbs over this last week. I haven't been exercising either. So if I continue to eat healthily and add in exercise that gets more difficult as I go on, do you think that 15-20 lbs is reasonable? I know that the weight loss will slow down as I get closer, but my body is pretty unhealthy to start with, as I never exercise, so I think I'll lose a good amount at first to make up for that. Thank you for any advice!


  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    hmmm, going by the info you gave i'd say in three months you could lose between 8-12lbs
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    It's generally recommended that you plan on losing 1-2 lbs a week, which would mean 12-24 lbs in 3 months if you do the math. But it doesn't always work out that way, and weight loss tends to slow down as you lose more.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I'd say 18 lbs would be the most you'd want to lose in 3 months with your current stats. That's 1.5 lbs a week