Running out of gas!

Hi, Newbie here. I'm in the second week of my lifestyle change and feel as though I'm running out of gas. I have worked out using the treadmill and weights 12 of the last 13 days. I plan on taking Sundays off but am worried if I take a break before then, I won't start up again. Any suggestions on how to rest/regain energy but not lose inspiration?? Added info--I sleep approximately 8 hours a night and am eating (I think) the correct amount/type of food.


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I made it through almost 2 months before the non-stop exercise made me ready to quit. I switched to 3 long exercise sessions per week and that has really made a difference--not only with my willpower to stick to it, but with weight loss as well. I had been stuck for 10 days at the same weight, and since not exercising daily, I lost 4 pounds last week!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Hi, you may want to open your diary up for viewing...

    If you're feeling tired at this point of changing up your lifestyle - it's sometimes normal. You may be detoxing. Stick with it and don't skip your day off... If you are feeling tired, make this deal with yourself "I'll try the XX exercise for 10 minutes, if I still feel tired, I will stop and go home and rest for today" Guarantee you will soon find out if you really are tired or just want to go back to old habits. I've done this and always ended up pushing out my best workouts!!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    You need a break, Girl! No wonder you're running out of gas...

    You shouldn't workout more than 6 days straight... your body needs to recover. Besides, rest avoids this burnt out phase!

    If you must, then take a short, slow walk on the 7th day...

    Good luck on your journey! :-)
  • chris2991
    Your body needs rest to repair the strain you put on it when you exercise, otherwise you'll just keep braking down your muscles
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    You're either burned out or bored...or both. Try 3-4 workouts per week, and mix it up. And don't forget to be kind to yourself. extra long bubble bath. Or reward yourself with a movie, a new magazine, a new nail polish....when you have stuck to it for the week. These are the little things that work for me anyway. Good luck, and don't quit!:noway:
  • 6Alsmom
    This was my first post and all of your replies are great! Thank you for the inspiration and great ideas. I WILL NOT QUIT.
  • lefrance12
    I agree.. Take a break!! Sounds to me like you are bored.. Are you doing the same routine? You might need to change it up a bit to regain your interest. Good luck and do not quit. In the end you will be glad you stuck with it.