Can't get carbs under control!

Does anyone have any low carb food or snack suggestions? Apparently I suck and can't get them under control. But today I have only eaten 57g of carbs so far but it's taking up 53% of my MFP carbs/fat/protein pie chart. :(

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks in advance!!

Feel free to add me on MFP if you like making friends :)


  • queensandria
    Once upon a time when i could eat normally a snack that always helped to curb just about anything was a couple cheese cubes, grilled chicken breast cubed, and slices of red and green bell peppers. I used to keep them in bags in the fridge and just grab a few of each as a snack. Not sure of your dietary restrictions if you have any but its great for decreasing appetite and still providing a snack pick me up.
  • Alyssawinter1221
    That sounds super delicious! I'm totally gonna do that. Is it low carb?
  • queensandria
    A cup of colby jack cheese (thats about 4-5 snacks for me) is 3.4g of carbs, 0 carbs in the chicken and about 6-8g of carbs in a full pepper. Not sure if thats low but its tasty!
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    Why are you eating so little carbs? o___O

    The percentages don't matter, it's the overall total of grams. if you'd like it to be less than 53% of you total calories for today, then eat more protein and fats.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I wouldn't worry about that so much.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    That's low. Try including more protein in your meals/snacks. A really satisfying snack for me is greek yogurt with some almond butter on it, or fruit, which has carbs, but you can just have a few berries or something.

    After looking at your diary, you should probably focus on eating more (and more unprocessed foods) instead of your macro percentages. You would probably benefit a lot more from paying attention to that number.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member

    Just say no. Learn self control. Eat more protein. Eat complex carbs. And if you eat the ones you truly enjoy I suppose if you're craving that bad...and only one in a while.
  • Alyssawinter1221
    Thanks for all the advice so far!!

    I wish I wasn't a **** cook, haha. I want to eat more protein, but I find the shakes have a lot of cals and I don't eat much meat (for lack of cooking ability). I'll try to eat more yogurt and less processed foods. :)
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    It's just calories in versus calories out. And a calorie is a calorie regardless if it comes from carrots or cookies, protein or carbs. IOW it's not important as long as you stay within your recommended MFP daily calorie goal.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    You're gonna get jumped on for wanting to limit carbs rather than calories here. As you know, carbohydrates elevate our insulin which prevents our body from accessing the stored energy in our fat cells as energy (it does allow a one way streak of storing fat however).

    A lower carb diet is almost always lower cal as well since the most calorie dense and palatable foods are very high simple carb (candy, cake, baked goods, etc.). A low-carbohydrate snack could be cheese. You'd have to watch your portion size though as it can be rather high calorie if you eat it like a meal. If I were you, I'd buy high quality expensive cheese which comes in small sizes. This would make you more mindful of slicing off small pieces for snacking. Another option are nuts but again it's calorie dense and you need to make sure it is snack sized.

    Some here have suggested vegetables as a snack but I don't think they are satiating in small portions. It would be more healthful to have large portions of non-starchy vegetables during your meals.
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    If the 57 gm carb is 53% of your overall calories, then your calories for the day were only 430... and unless you're doing some form of intermittent fasting, that is just way too low.
    Cheese, mayo and sour cream all have carbs, but can be used as protein and good fats, as can avocado (with the added bonus of extra potassium, which dieters struggle to meet). Other snacks might be almonds, walnuts, pecans or macadamias, depending on your goals.
    As GreatDepression said, talk of limiting carbs here will likely get you pilloried by the masses. Most here still seem to believe in the "calorie is a calorie" and "calorie in/calorie out" theory (which is rapidly being disproven - see Taubes, Phinney/Volek and the latest Time magazine article exposing the "War on Fat" as being one of the greatest frauds in history). If you want a ketogenic diet (low carb, higher fat, moderate protein), you need to look to something like Atkins, Nutritional Ketosis or Paleo/Primal.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks in advance!!

    Step away from all the fiber one crap - it's carbage. Eat a few nuts, or a bit of cheese.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    I may have missed the point but your body needs every source of food group and carbs have their place if your talking chips etc and junkie carbs simply replace with fruit and veg feel free to add me but by restricting carbs you will crave them all the more in my experience