Driven, But lazy!

Hello all,

I am new to this and I really hope this approach will actually help me with weight loss. I need to loss 50 pounds per doctor and because I just cant take how i feel and look anymore.

Mon. will be my first day with the weight loss team at my gym. I feel motivated, I really want to be healthier and feeling better. I can picture what im going to do in class and how im going to look after losing weight, but when i think about getting up and gooing to the gym and actually working out I feel like I dont have the energy. Im tired and I just dont how im gonna get through it if I havnt even started yet. And thn theres the question , Will this really work for me? Am I truely going to lose the weight? Or is it just another ploy to get me to join and then in the end there are no results and Im still overweight. Diets dont work for me, working out like I have before in the past 2 yrs didnt work, although they said I was burning energy and not fat. Aperently, working out to hard doesnt make you lose weight. hmmm SO I really hope this time it works. I just need help getting off my butt and doing it.

thanks for listening!


  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    You can do this!!!
    Think of it this way, if you don't do it where will you be in 6 months?
    I really think that the hardest part is the getting started.
  • melaniekeeptrack
    Right there with you! I am heading to that goal myself - You can do it and so can I!
  • lashell617
    This is not going to be easy but it is worth while. At first work outs are tedious and tiresome but trust me after a few more work outs, you will love the way you feel. You will have more energy to get through them and you will love the results. Just remeber, even if you fall off, just get right back at it. We are all attempting a life style change and since we have been used to our old, unhealthy, habits, it is going to take time and patience.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i used to have that same feeling going to the gym doing a bench press with the bar and like 10 pounds on the side but if you stick with it you get better and better :D trust me youl start to love it and see results
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    i hear where youre coming from, but if you dont lose the 50 lbs like you doctor told you, you are putting yourself at risk for

    hypertension, high cholesterol, for diabetes 1 and 2, renal failure, liver function problems with stones, and on and on........

    I was kinda lazy in the beginning, now I just completed burning 1410 calories at the gym, of which I was the first one there when it opened at 5 30 this morning, and stayed for 3 hours........I have to do this for my health, which is just getting so much better

    Its no fun to be obese and have a medical emergency...............We can choose a healthy life style and add years to your life, or you can lead your journey to a poor healthy life style and have many many bad years of being sick.......

    Its about taking care of yourself........

    I have this saying I follow............I kinda like it

    "Instead of looking for excuses to fail, find reasons to succeed."

    Kinda nice, dont you think.........Hey make me a friend, I ll be there for my bio, it tells you where Im coming from as well........

    Good luck, were all here for you......Lloyd
  • tippydawn
    U can do it... This site is wonderful, the friends and chats u have, (friend me if u would like), loggin in everyday to track ur food and exercise really makes u look at what ur eating, and it helps.
    on the note of the gym, to me, the gym is very boring, i almost gave up on the gym, until i found classes, what i mean is, i'm not sure if the gym u r apart of has classes, but instead of the gym, i joined the YMCA and they offer ZUMBA classes and OMG it is so fun, I LOVE it. they offer dance, cycling, swimming, etc, but zumba is the best and I go everyday. Now i have one instructor who isnt that hard, so before his class, i do go to the treadmil for about 20-30 minutes, but all the female instructors really do some workout routines. it's awsome. Zumba is a latin style dance-aerobics class. look into it, if ur gym offers it, try it, if u r shy, u will stay in the back of the class, but do it, its great.
    good luck to u and like i said, if u would like u can add me as a friend.
  • laura230972
    I am exactly like you with regard to going to the gym....the very thought makes me want to curl up in bed under my covers!
    I realised that it is a choice, choose to stay at home and stay overweight, or choose to go to the gym, eat less (my portions were out of control!) and start slimming down.
    I decided I wanted to be slim more than I wanted to be sat at home. Sounds easy, but i know its not, its taken me about 3 years to come to this decision! I've been going to the gym and trying to eat better since January, and have lost 22lbs on my own (my target is 50lbs too). I find losing weight so much harder in the winter and so ive joined MFP to try to keep my motivation up.

    I found that if i got home after work, and sat down there was no way on earth i could get the motivation to get out of the house again and go swimming, or to the gym, or even for a walk!, and so I have joined the gym at my work and i go straight after work, so by the time i get home i am done, ive done my exercise for the day and then i can just chill-out for the rest of the evening. it is the only way I can make sure i hit the gym week-in week-out, mon, wed, and fri. I then usually have enough motivation from that to go for a swim or walk at the weekend.

    If you can find a way of exercising before you get home I would really recommend for me!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, and message me if you need a push (or a good old kick!) to get you to the gym!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    I think that even tho you don't feel like it, you have to make yourself and before you know it you will be "wanting" to do it!!
    Good luck!!! You go!!!
  • galaxygirl730
    i am in the same position. i just signed up a few mins ago, or so.
    maybe we can have competitions on here or updates on each other, to keep us motivated.
    i know that in order to get myself motivated, i need someone constantly pushing me to do more and to do better. it's always been very useful in my life. it's kind of like i'm doing it for someone else, rather than just for myself. i'm always motivated to do things for others, so this is a good technique, in my case. :)

    but if you'd like, add me as a friend on here. :)
    i'm still learning how to use this site, so please forgive me.
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    Just try to take each day one at a time. I think we all struggle with eating healthy and with exercise. That's why we are here!
    You can do it!!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend.