Tips on Staying on Track

I'm stuck on the vicious cycle of working out for maybe a week then quitting because I either doubt myself or give up too early or think it will never work. I'm really sick of giving up too early because I really want to lose weight and be happy with myself for once. Every time I give up, I go into this really dark mood and just end up binge eating and it makes me feel even worse.
I come here to seek advice on how to stop myself from losing motivation and staying on track with eating clean and working out. Any tips? Anything will be helpful! Thanks!


  • Elektrolyfe
    Elektrolyfe Posts: 151 Member
    This is one of those difficult to answer questions because everyone's motivation to stay on track in fitness is unique. You have to ask why you want to be fit, you have to set goals to keep yourself focused, praise every little victory.

    Once fitness becomes a habit it is very easy to stay on track.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    The biggest motivation for me is simply the knowledge that calorie deficit WORKS. It's just science. If it isn't working, I'm not doing it properly but if I do it IT WILL WORK because it has to :)

    Maybe you're pushing it a bit too hard with the workouts? Try just doing 30 minutes, 3 times a week, and work up from there. When I first started out I was way too ambitious and burned out pretty quick. Remember too that weight loss is 80% diet, and if you don't exercise that day/week you are still on track to lose weight with your calorie deficit!

    In regards to 'eating clean', sure if that makes you feel good. But it all comes back down to the calorie deficit, if you cave and have a treat you'll be fine so long as it fits into your goal.

    You got this!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    I can relate to this I stopped working out for a week as it became a chore then picked it back up and feel great about it as long as eating at deficit weighing and measuring everything that goes in and drinking water you don't need to exercise I workout 3 times a week sometimes 4 and this works for me I find things like challenges work as I love to challenge myself im currently doing a 9 week challenge
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm stuck on the vicious cycle of working out for maybe a week then quitting because I either doubt myself or give up too early or think it will never work. I'm really sick of giving up too early because I really want to lose weight and be happy with myself for once. Every time I give up, I go into this really dark mood and just end up binge eating and it makes me feel even worse.
    I come here to seek advice on how to stop myself from losing motivation and staying on track with eating clean and working out. Any tips? Anything will be helpful! Thanks!

    Well first off all you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. You don't need to eat "clean", just eat what you normally would and stay in what are your goals set at would be a question? Did you set to agressive goals like 2lbs a week? sitting at 1200 calories?

    2nd...exercise is for health and fitness...if you want to be fit find an exercise you like not something that is dreadful for you.

    For example if I had to run to get other choice...I wouldn't be getting fit....
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Stick to eating at a deficit. As long as you DO track properly and weigh anything like pasta, cereals etc which is hard to guess you will still lose weight.

    For me, the motivation to work out is that I can eat and drink more naughty things! Plus once I found Zumba I found an exercise which I genuinely enjoy and would do even if I didn't get extra calories for doing it!

    Switch your exercise routine around, and don't do anything you find boring :happy: