sun burnt and seeking advice! (slight self pity)



  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    I have a feeling he wont be complaining lol

    lobster red and covered in yoghurt might give him strange notions :P

    ok, Aloe seems to be getting lots of pluses..will try get my hands on it asap.
  • kmkylemo
    kmkylemo Posts: 1,103
    Haha I meant by the outline he would be seeing lol
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    put a cup of dry oats in cool(not cold because one, ouch, and two, don't want your body going into shock), soak in it for 10-15 minutes. baking soda works as well, but i personally prefer oatmeal.

    Use lotion, make sure to keep your skin moisturized!! as well as being burnt, it's dehydrated. Load up on water.

    anti-inflammatory painkillers (think ibuprofen, asprin, naproxin) can help the swelling and pain.

    i hope you feel better soon!
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    Thank you xDawnsgrace - I've taken a couple of pain killers which did help the swelling a little.And the water is being drank with a vengeance :-)
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I second keeping up the fluids and the anti inflammatories.

    Also how appropriate is your user name? (Sorry but in made me laugh)
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    haha, that hadn't occurred to me :P too ironic for my liking :P
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,734 Member
    Greek Yoghurt, I burnt really bad in Greece and the the owner of the bar we went into his mother gave me some to use . 2 days later no pain
  • donnasue70
    donnasue70 Posts: 9 Member
    Dab apple cider vinegar on the redness. Cools instantly and the blisters will go away. Smells really bad but DOES work. I'm a redhead too. Best if you can do it and leave on overnight
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    I've wondering about the blisters alright..will try the vinegar on them now!
  • Luna_Llena
    Luna_Llena Posts: 15
    I burned my feet today by walking around my neighborhood barefoot. When I got home they felt really burned and I looked and they had blistered on the big toe and the pad. Immediately applied aloe vera lotion multiple times then set my feet on the cold tile. After just set them up to rest with a fan hitting them. Later on I went to beach at night and the sand was a cool remedy as well.
  • FinallyDoingMe
    FinallyDoingMe Posts: 84 Member
    Aloe Vera Gel ...chilled in the fridge.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm hoping some of these will cool the burn and stop the shivering.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Aloe for sure and some anti-inflammatories. I am white as hell and burn through 50 + and I keep my aloe vera gel in the fridge so its lovely and cooling when I put it on :)

    So sorry for you, sunburn sucks hard.
  • Nmt100
    Nmt100 Posts: 36 Member
    Calamine lotion is also good. I get really bad heat rash as well as being fair and burning easily and covering myself in calamine lotion then washing it off once its dried in a cool bath feels so good.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,762 Member
    A lot of great advice here. I went fishing about a week ago and got completely fried. I found a lot of relief in Aloe Vera Gel, and Ibprofen. Took about 2/3 says of pain but eventually got better. I was able to go fishing again yesterday, but this time I actually wore sunscreen. Lol. Lesson learned. I'm sorry you're in pain darling. I know it's miserable trying to sleep. Hope it gets better soon!
  • tessiebear40
    tessiebear40 Posts: 39 Member
    I took advantage of the Irish sun too on Saturday. I had Aloe Gel which was great but they also do a product called Aloe 1st which is a spray and gives instant relief. I use it for everything from midgey bites to sore throat. We are up for more good weather so enjoy :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My aloe gel lives in the fridge for emergencies. Good stuff.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    Thanks for all the fab advice. Just took a cool oatmeal bath and it really has cooled down the burn amazingly. Getting some Aloe off my aunt in a bit so that should help too. Thanks again everyone!