I'm starving!

kara_leigh Posts: 25
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I've recently started walking and keeping track of calories for the first time...ever. I've spent my entire 32 years sitting on my butt doing nothing, and eating whatever I want to, so this is a complete change for me. I input all of the food I eat every day into the food diary. I also have inputted my goals based on my current weight, my goal weight (only 10lbs less for now), and how much I plan to exercise each week (60min, 5days/wk).

According to myfitnesspal they recommend losing 1lb per week, but the calories it allows me each day doesn't seem to be enough. Maybe it's just b/c I'm not used to it and I'm not used to it, but at that level I ALWAYS felt like I was starving to death, especially in the evenings. Do you think it would be better for me to stay with just 1/2lb per week for now, and gradually build up to 1lb per week? My husband thinks that 1lb/wk is just too much. Staying at 1/2lb/wk gives me SO many more calories.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Hi Kara, I use 2 live in Omaha!

    Okay so the first three days you change your diet - food intake - your body cries out for more food no matter what.

    Since you do not allow for us to look at your food entries I can not comment on what you are eating to help you there. Here is what I do know. If you are hungry you need to make sure your meals are balenced. You need protein, that keeps you from getting hungry and helps you lose fat and not muscle. You need fat to burn fat. Yes that sounds funny but it is true and fat will also help you feel satisfied & keep hunger away.

    If you want to lose weight YOU must eat vegetable and fruit. Not bread & Jam. I could write for hours but if you want more help please write to me and I can add you as a friend. I love to help people, that's why I am here. I struggle too just like everyone else. Best of luck. Vickie
  • Hi. It seems to me like you might be "starving" all the time because you've started exercising, which means you're burning through more energy than you're consuming for fuel. I think it's a smart idea to start with losing just 1/2 lbs a week. Because after all, your goal is to be healthier right? I think that along with journalizing what you eat, incorporating exercise daily is a pretty good start. I don't even know if that helps but I think it wouldn't hurt anything to start off with itty bitty baby steps...especially if it means you are allowed more calories daily leaving you less hungry :happy:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Then eat.

    But make sure you're staying away from sweets/simple sugars. Eat more meals with some protein in it to stave off hunger.
  • Since you only have about 10 lbs to lose, what's the rush? If you will be more happy at the 1/2 lb per week level, go with that. I'm actually set at 1/2 lb per week, and over the past couple of months, I've lost closer to 1 lb per week. Funnily enough, am caring less and less about how quickly I lose the weight, as long as I'm still losing.

    If you feel like you're getting enough food, you will have a better chance of staying motivated and sticking with it...if you are starving, you'll be miserable and will most likely give up. That's usually how it goes!

    You could also consider eating your exercise calories. A good workout that burns 300 calories will give you 300 more calories to eat, without ruining your net amount.

    Good luck!
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Hello and congrats on making healthier changes!Here are the most helpful tips I can think of right now:
    Drink lots of water-it helps you feel full and stay alert
    Eat more fiber-makes you feel full longer and helps digestion
    Eat more protein-helps give you energy and feeling full longer
    Eating more low calorie things like fruit and vegetables will help you stick to your goals without suffering.There are lots of choices try something new-pumpkin seeds,almonds,walnuts,mango,kiwi,smoothies,tea,soymilk.Snack in between every meal-it's helped me a lot.Find what you enjoy eating and make/find a lower calorie substitute.Good luck on everything,Rose
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    I really dont know how many calorie mfp is allowing you. How you want your settings is pretty much up to you. It does take some getting use, if you have been eating unhealthy for a long time. Just start out small simple changes in your diet. When I first started mfp I felt hungry a lot, I now have trouble eating my calories sometimes. I eat breakfast, lite lunch, and dinner (Dinner is around 4pm) and snacks r fruits and vegetables. Fresh or frozen veggies, canned are full of sodium, which makes you retain water. Water is helpful in creating a full feeling also. do try to drink your water throughout the day, cramming it all in at once doesnt do as good, just make you have to pee a lot. remember also that you get to eat your exercise calories.
  • I changed my settings so you can view my food diary if that helps.

    At 1lb/wk I am allowed 1300 calories...at 1/2lb/wk I am allowed 1550. Monday through Friday I burn 210 calories by walking, so that ups it a bit.
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    I'm eating around 1300- 1700 calories a week and I have 100 lbs to loose! Just make smarter food choices carbs are not an enemy and neither is protein those 2 things make me never hungry! I eat tons of vegatables and soup. I was actually surprised by how much I could eat and still stay within my calorie goal. But If i were you I would eat the higher amount cause really for 10 lbs whats the rush as long as you get there and do it the healthy way!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    1lb a week is NOT too much...and should be very achievable for you! if you are working out 60minutes per day 5 days per week you should be getting a lot of extra exercise calories to use. I don't recommend using all of them all of the time but they are there for while you need them. if you are still having a hard time while using ALL of your exercise calories then it may be time to change WHAT you are eating! make sure you get lots of protien and fiber (25-30g/day), make sure you are drinking enough water (1/2 your body weight in ounces +8oz for every 20minutes of exercise you do), and last but not least...try to eat 5 smaller meals a day and spread them out vs 3 bigger meals a day! mix all of this togethor and you will be full before you know it!!! good luck!
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