I Look Like What?

So I had a realization about myself today! I have horrible body image problems! :noway:

This may seem like not-so-big news coming from a fat girl, but I actually surprised myself! I've always been very confident and comfortable with how I looked. I'm that chubby girl you see walking up to the hottest guy in the bar and hitting on him, while you're sitting there going WHAT is that girl thinking?! :laugh:

My body image isn't so much a problem because it makes me lose confidence, it is a problem because its inaccurate. I was browsing the before/during/after photos in the success stories forum and I would see the pictures (mostly those at their starting weight) around the same weight as I am and I would think in my head"*whine* Why do they look so much slimmer than me if we weigh about the same?!" I blamed it on the fact I'm a shorty.

But today, I said wait a minute. I'm going to go take a picture of myself, and put it right up against those other ladies I'm so envious of and I'M GOING TO BE OBJECTIVE. End result? This photo:


And the realization that I am not NEARLY the cow I think I am in my head. And most likely, neither are you! So ladies (and gentlemen), its time to look at ourselves objectively. I still aspire to change, be a slimmer healthier version of me, the difference is I can feel good NOW too. I don't have to choke on vomit every time I look in the mirror, or cover up when my fiancée walks in the room while I'm changing, or shy away from memory-making photos.

We are all beautiful RIGHT NOW. So see it, feel it, be it. :heart:

That is all. :bigsmile:

Edit: And Holy Bejebbus, I am sorry about the huge photo.


  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    You are right! I am a good looking woman. So what if I do not look like the women on T.V. I m beautiful exactly the way I am right now!
  • sandyvanderstelt
    love your post :)
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    Preach it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Awesone thoughts! We who are endowed with "girls" tend to look bigger than we are anyway! :wink: There are worse things.

    Good reminder to love what we've been given.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    You Go Girl!!! When I was single that was me in the bar. Granted 98% of said guys said they were just there "to have a drink, not dance" then 2 seconds later trot out on the floor with little miss size 0! PUH-LEASE!!!! Needless to say I got over it.

    I may be chunky......but that did not stop my boyfriend, now husband, from spending the rest of his life with me!

    True Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in ourselves!

    Personally, I think we all are HOT!!!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hot stuff lady!

    And great words of wisdom. Strive for a healthier self but love yourself no matter what size or shape.

  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    You can be beautiful at any size.
  • Darkling
    I know a little bit about this. It took a friend or 5 to get me to see myself differently.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    love this post!! just what I needed to hear. You look beautiful, and your confidence shows.