Sedate exercise suggestions


I'm recovering from an ear operation and can't engage in anything strenuous or that involves jogging around or swimming at the moment, I've also have problems with arthritis in the top of my spine. I walk for exercise but would like some suggestions to add a bit of variety. I am 51 and so struggling to loose weight just with dieting alone. I initially lost 5/6 lbs quite easily, but since the op things have slowed down so would like something to give my weight loss a boost before I loose hope and give up. Any tips would be appreciated.


  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I will start by saying before adding any additional exercise make sure your Dr is OK with it. That being said, try Sit and be fit. That may work for you.

    FYI, I feel you on the arthritis, I have it in my spine, knees, hips and probably ankles. Keeping your muscles strong and losing weight definitely helps with the arthritis. I also take Osteo Biflex.
  • FacingFiftysomething
    Thank you for your reply. I have read so many posts on here about people getting fitter and overcoming the pain of arthritis and whilst its very encouraging the irony is that whilst in so much pain it's difficult to make a start on a fitness programme. I'm probably about 1st overwieght so my weight isn't an issue preventing me from exercising, the latest op has only added to my frustration. Not defeatist though, I'm determined not to feel like a women in my eighties at the age of 51..... onward and upwards!:smile:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If you're only 1 stone (14 lbs.) overweight, then a healthy loss is .5 lb. per week. Be patient!

    I agree about checking with your doctor regarding which exercises you should avoid. Gentler workouts include tai chi and yoga—maybe even Zumba? Check your local community center, adult education program, or recreation center. (Our public library has yoga classes.)

    If you feel dizzy, please stop!
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167

    I have fibro and arthritis. I've been doing Pilates and cardio on the Wii. I find with the Pilates I am getting a lot stronger and feel so much better for it. When I was looking for a Pilates DVD I came across Pilates for over fifties at Amazon if you wanted to check them out?

    Hope you heal soon x