I am new, support welcomed!


I am new to this, I have tried to count calories but always seem to go over. I could use some support and alot of ideas on food. I want to lose about 30 pounds. All ideas,suggestions are welcome.

Thank You,


  • YogiGirlLucy
    Hi, and welcome! This is great way to track your calories, along with other things, ie. carbs, sugar, protein, fat, etc. It's also a great source of support from other members, I love it! I'll send you a friend request, we can chat if you have any questions!

  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    Hi Melissa!

    I lost 28 pounds since August, and did it by counting calories, so I know you can do it too! welcome!
  • AngelSharum
    AngelSharum Posts: 74 Member
    Every doctor I've seen has told me to watch carbs instead of cals but that's because of my specific health problems. Even "healthy" people can lower carbs to help with weight loss though. Keep track of your carbs to see how many you are getting in a day and lower it some. See what happens. Good luck!