How to keep motivated?



  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Don't focus entirely on weight/ appearance. Set fitness/performance goals. Focus on the training for an event, or setting a new PR in the gym, or whatever. You will want to eat "right" so you can achieve it, and then once that is done, pick the next thing to strive for.

    You did a 5K? Great, now work on a 10K... You can always strive to go farther, faster, higher, whatever. But if you just want to weigh xx pounds, what happens when you get there? Celebrate with a bucket of fried chicken, a cake and a tub of ice cream and undo all the hard work? What will be the motivation at Goal Weight Day +1?

    ^this guy is sooo dead on.

    Appearances are vital - I just only snap the pic of myself every two weeks - don't go looking at yourself everyday because it doesn't work like that.

    Set goals on what you want to run a mile in, or if you are a noob how long you want to be able to run before your joints start hurting. Set goals, meet goals, then set more ambitious goals.

    and smile often.