Binged what?

So today i ate about 3600cals. All simple carbs (candy, chips, mcdonalds, etc.).

What can i do now if anything to lessen the blow and recover tomorrow?

Good thing is atleast i weighed in today so im good that way for a week.



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    try to get in some extra exercise. Remember tomorrow is a new day so get back on track, You can do it. Other then exercise there isnt much you can do about what is already done but you can get back on track and not give up.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    It's a sign of the times when I read the title of your post as "Bing"-ed today instead of Binge-d today. What has information overload done to me?! To control binging, try google or yahoo. As for bingeing, we all fall off the wagon sometimes. (In fact, my falls off the wagon are scheduled) As I always tell my fiancee, you can't change the past so focus on the future. Exercise, eat healthy but be you while you're doing it. (I.E. don't just try to cut OUT, try to cut down.) Being healthy and losing weight is a change in lifestyle not just a 3600 calorie day. Good luck.

    P.S. 3600 calories is not nearly as bad as my weakest days.
    I weight myself, take measurements and do a fitness test twice a month on the 1st and 15th and really my only goal in my endeavors is to never do worse that the time before and so far I've been sticking to it.
  • kimbruundk
    To avoid binging and being cruel to yourself afterwards - one word: Mindfulness!

    Check it out - it works...!!! - and it can be done without the Buddhism.

    Loads of books and internet sources out there. Find the one that fits you. Google is your friend...
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    As most people say on here, tomorrow is a new day. Weight loss is full of highs and lows. I've been having a rough week. Not going over too massivly each day, but also not sticking to my plan as much as I'd like. So we all do it, its how you fix it that matters. Go for a walk tomorrow and really focus on eating healthy. Also - couldn't help but notice. 1,000 calories a day isn't a lot! It seems that your goals may be set pretty low. MFP, as well as most doctors, would advice not eating less then 1,200. Maybe the low calories are contributing to your binge days. Maybe if you spread it out and had a treat each day it would make the binge days happen less often. Just a thought, but you know you best. Work hard tomorrow! You can do it!
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    @randy--LOL! I had to go back and look. Thought maybe i spelled it wrong!

    3600cals is 3days worth of food for me! (1200 per day).
    Atleast i did get exercise in before the binge.
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    @megjo-oh i definately eat more then 1000cals per day!! That shows because i set that as my net cals.
    I use the bodybugg and eat so that im at a 950per day (2lbs per week) deficit.

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I don't think the 1 day of high calories is your problem.
    You have had chips, cookies, and candy practically 3 meals a day every day.

    You have NO fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats...

    It is NOT just a simple equation of calories in vs. calories out.
    Do you want to lose "weight" and be unhealthy and weak and sick?
    Or do you want to lose FAT, strengthen your muscles, and keep your heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys in good working order?

    All you're doing with this "diet" is slowly accomplishing the former, and it will all come back plus some shortly after you stop counting.
    To make this lifestyle change work and accomplish the latter, you need to make changes in your mindset and habits that you can continue for the rest of your life.
  • gertiegumdrop72
    Its worth remembering that it's not an occasional binge that prevents us from reaching our goals (in fact extra calories at rare times can actually recharge our metabolism if it slows) but what prevents us getting to our goal is giving up after we binge...its that "OMG I have failed...I may as well REALLY fail" attitude that takes our weight loss gola further and further away.
    Tomorrow is a new day. Bin the guilt, and get right back on it.
    Good luck xx
  • goohan
    goohan Posts: 155
    don't worry at all, just carry on like normal tomorow
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    @robin- yes im a junk food junkie. Every time in the past i thought when i would binge like this, it was because
    i was trying to change my eating and my body/mind was rebeling. Like wanting the junk because that was what
    it was used to. Like I was trying to do to much at once.
    Then after the binge, I would just go back full force to the junk anyway.

    This time i thought i would just eat whatever I wanted and just stay within my calorie limit.
    And then think about actually what i was eating later. Make small changes I guess.

    But that didn't work because after only 2weeks i binge again. Im not sure what to do now.

    Any advice or experience anyone?
  • marniehodges
    Why on earth are you eating Reese's Fast Break candy bars every day!? for breakfast too? All that sugar is going to give you a burst of energy immediately and then you are going to crash. Eat some protein. And cupcakes, cookies, etc.? Try some carrots with 1 Tbls of Kens Steakhouse lite caeser dressing (you'de be surprised how far 1 Tbls goes) for a snack, or a banana or some other fruit. 1/2 C non-fat cottage cheese with crushed pineapple is good to. Counting calories isn't enough; you need to look at sugar content, fat content etc also. Give up the sweets girl! And GOOD LUCK!
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    Haha Marnie-i have a SERIOUS addiction to Fast Break candy bars. Enough that i will replace a meal with one.

    Im actually glad i posted about my binge today, not only because of the binge but because i have never talked
    with anyone about my struggles. Atleast not in the sense that it wasnt just blown off. I am completely embarrased
    now by just how bad my diet is. Not anything that i didnt already know but different when other people can
    see it.
    That may be enough for me to change!

    BTW-i work the night shift so my meals are not typical times. (ie. breakfast is usually at 3pm but not always breakfast
    type food)

    So here is my question the past i would replace say chips with other crunchy, healthy foods (carrots&dip, cukes&dip, etc). I would try to replace my candy bars with greek yogurt and tsp mini reeses pieces or banana with PB. But i would freq binge on the candy bars and chips anyhow. Thats why i thought to just forget about it and have the candy and chips every day...that way i wont binge on them! Didnt work. What to do. What to do...
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    Well, it's a new day for me. Hope it's a good/better one! :)