Hi I'm new and I need help...

Hi im new here and totally stranger to this web, can some1 teach me how 2 utilise and start off with this


  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Hello, welcome here. It's a great web and you will get use to it.

    You can start by clicking HOME and then PROFILE and EDIT PROFILE. The do the same for the other tabs. Like GOALS and CHECK IN.

    Next to it is a tab FOOD and EXERCISE. Each of these have ADD ingredient or ADD exercise. Most things are already put in so you just find it from the list that appears and pick the one you want and it will have the calories and other content so you will know how much you are eating.

    It's also good idea to get heart rate monitor (HRM) to check your exercise progress, but there is a great choice of it already in anyway.

    Good luck.
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Track your food and exercise and be accountable for everything you eat. It really works if you work it. Good luck