new and looking for friends

hi there

I am starting tomorrow on MFP and i am aiming to lose 87lbs - my starting weight is 227lbs which is really paining to me admit :-( - but the good news is is that i came back from holidays yesterday and have nothing planned now for the coming months and the aim is to lose at a nice rate of 1lbs a week and any more is a bargain

i was trying to upload a picture of me but its taken ages to load so i will get one on asap.

please friend me and give me support

thank you


  • 3293kitkat
    3293kitkat Posts: 22
    Hi! Welcome to the team.. I am just recently getting back to my weight loss journey, and I'll be here to help you! Adding you now (:
  • Madhatton
    Madhatton Posts: 26 Member
    I'll add you!

    Restarting mfp as my Asia travels set me very far back!!

    Please feel free to add me :)

    Good luck!
  • carolinegraham1238

    I've been on now for about 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. My biggest challenge is wanting to lose it all over night. I have about 30 pounds to lose and could use some encouragement along the way as well. I'll try to figure out how to add you as a friend. Good luck on your journey.
  • nikkihecks
    nikkihecks Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it!
    I'll add you. I recently started also!
  • palewisteria
    I'll add you! I'm restarting my journey also. Good luck to you :)
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    Friend request sent.
  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
    wow thank you all for your friend requests - its appreciated
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    Hi, I just joined MFP on Thursday last week. My goal is to lose 90 lbs and to do it healthy. My trainer suggested this site. I'm excited to see the future me. :)
  • DireWolfCurse
    DireWolfCurse Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, my name is Bonnie. I just wanted to say welcome to MFP. Good luck. I hope to see you on here more :)
  • janellyf
    janellyf Posts: 74 Member
    hi there

    I am starting tomorrow on MFP and i am aiming to lose 87lbs - my starting weight is 227lbs which is really paining to me admit :-( - but the good news is is that i came back from holidays yesterday and have nothing planned now for the coming months and the aim is to lose at a nice rate of 1lbs a week and any more is a bargain

    i was trying to upload a picture of me but its taken ages to load so i will get one on asap.

    please friend me and give me support

    thank you

    HI! Just wanted to let you know that I did basically what you are looking to do! I started at 226 and have lost over 88 pounds. Down to 138. My goal was 140. I have been in maintenance mode for a few weeks, but I have been running a lot, so I has caused me to drop a little more. It took me 51 weeks to hit my goal weight. Once I got down to the last 8-10 pounds I changed my goal from losing 1-2 pounds per week to losing 0.5 pounds per week, so it went slower for the last 2 months, but I felt it needed to. I wanted to "ease" into maintenance mode.

    Please let me know if I can be of any help or support!

    I wish you all the best! You can do this!
  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
    hi there

    I am starting tomorrow on MFP and i am aiming to lose 87lbs - my starting weight is 227lbs which is really paining to me admit :-( - but the good news is is that i came back from holidays yesterday and have nothing planned now for the coming months and the aim is to lose at a nice rate of 1lbs a week and any more is a bargain

    i was trying to upload a picture of me but its taken ages to load so i will get one on asap.

    please friend me and give me support

    thank you

    HI! Just wanted to let you know that I did basically what you are looking to do! I started at 226 and have lost over 88 pounds. Down to 138. My goal was 140. I have been in maintenance mode for a few weeks, but I have been running a lot, so I has caused me to drop a little more. It took me 51 weeks to hit my goal weight. Once I got down to the last 8-10 pounds I changed my goal from losing 1-2 pounds per week to losing 0.5 pounds per week, so it went slower for the last 2 months, but I felt it needed to. I wanted to "ease" into maintenance mode.

    Please let me know if I can be of any help or support!

    I wish you all the best! You can do this!
    Wow fantastic - did you eat and exercise at a deficit??

    I always see people cutting out food groups but don't think it's for me
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I've sent a friend request, good luck on your journey
  • peacheslcg
    peacheslcg Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I started a little over a month ago and it's been sort of slow going. If only it could come off as easily as it went on!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    friend request sent :)
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    best of luck , don't forget to take photos and measurements for the time when the scale doesn't tell the whole truth
  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you photos will be taken and measurements
  • arsail
    arsail Posts: 13 Member
    I had gastric by pass surgery in zjan and can always use support
  • MyYaYa0623
    MyYaYa0623 Posts: 7 Member
    I too, am starting AGAIN. Regained the weight I had lost and now have 25 lbs. to take off. I'm really struggling. I'm 56 years old menopausal female and it is really hard to stop eating. tracking helps so much. if I'm almost out of calories it makes me exercise so I can at least eat my next meal. :( any help and encourage would be appreciated.
  • Lola1508
    Lola1508 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new and looking for motivation from you lovely people :) please help me stay on track xxx
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I started at 227 also. My two year anniversary was this past April. I was doing well, had lost 37 lbs as of last summer, then my husband almost died in August. The stress of it all got to me and I gained back 15 lbs. I am now back on track and doing really well now. I have a total of about 80 lbs to loose as well. I will send you a friend request.