Types of people who you de-friend on facebook......



  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member

    LOL I wish we could "Like" responses here.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Comes to one social media site to complain about another social media site.


    Is that.....wrong????
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    You can hide her posts from your timeline. Next time there is a post click the drop down arrow on the right and it gives you an option to hide her posts. That being said I think you should either tell her how you feel or unfriend her.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I like to keep my Facebook friends at a minimum to include only people I actually speak to in real life. However, one of them are really annoying me. I would de-friend her but it would cause issues in my whole social circle. But this is my story. Lets call her PINA(Pain in *kitten*). She had a baby last Jan. Now, I know as a new parent and you are all excited and whatnot, but not everybody wants to see you post pic of said child everyday. Stop spamming me. On top of that, the pics come with "Watch out, super awesome cuteness coming you way". On every frickin picture. I have kids. I do not post pics of them. And I know that nobody thinks that my kinds are super awesome but me. Parents rights. The same is for all parents. Then...my husband is soooooo awesome. he gets up in the middle of the night to change the baby......I am, like,really, that is awesome to you. Every time I see these posts I want to punch my screen. Now, I am probably sure the issue is me, I am sure everyone loves hour by hour pics and progress reports and learning how awesome your friends family is from doing what all families do. I know I am coming off as a jerk, and am will to take the hits for this topic, but I feel sooooo much better in doing so.

    LOL.....we all have that friend or two on our list who just quite hasn't figured out 'posting ettiquette'. I have one on mine that literally posts 1 or 2 selfies a day. It's always the same angle, same almost duckface, same cleavage. Some people just are OCD and have no filter to gage when they've crossed that line and are annoying people. And don't even get me started with the people who feel they need to post pictures of abused animals along with gruesome tales to bring 'awareness' to all their friends.

    You don't have to unfriend her, just go to her page and 'unfollow' her. She won't show in your newsfeed any more and your social circle will stay intact.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I like to keep my Facebook friends at a minimum to include only people I actually speak to in real life. However, one of them are really annoying me. I would de-friend her but it would cause issues in my whole social circle. But this is my story. Lets call her PINA(Pain in *kitten*). She had a baby last Jan. Now, I know as a new parent and you are all excited and whatnot, but not everybody wants to see you post pic of said child everyday. Stop spamming me. On top of that, the pics come with "Watch out, super awesome cuteness coming you way". On every frickin picture. I have kids. I do not post pics of them. And I know that nobody thinks that my kinds are super awesome but me. Parents rights. The same is for all parents. Then...my husband is soooooo awesome. he gets up in the middle of the night to change the baby......I am, like,really, that is awesome to you. Every time I see these posts I want to punch my screen. Now, I am probably sure the issue is me, I am sure everyone loves hour by hour pics and progress reports and learning how awesome your friends family is from doing what all families do. I know I am coming off as a jerk, and am will to take the hits for this topic, but I feel sooooo much better in doing so.

    I bolded the important part if anyone would like cliffs.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member

    And there goes my screen........:mad:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    About the only thing I use FB for is posting kiddo pictures. I can't see any other reason to have it, and my only friends on there are family and IRL friends who do the same. Besides, I'd much rather see pictures of friends' kiddos than political or religious/anti-religious rants, and "check ins" at bars.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I like to keep my Facebook friends at a minimum to include only people I actually speak to in real life. However, one of them are really annoying me. I would de-friend her but it would cause issues in my whole social circle. But this is my story. Lets call her PINA(Pain in *kitten*). She had a baby last Jan. Now, I know as a new parent and you are all excited and whatnot, but not everybody wants to see you post pic of said child everyday. Stop spamming me. On top of that, the pics come with "Watch out, super awesome cuteness coming you way". On every frickin picture. I have kids. I do not post pics of them. And I know that nobody thinks that my kinds are super awesome but me. Parents rights. The same is for all parents. Then...my husband is soooooo awesome. he gets up in the middle of the night to change the baby......I am, like,really, that is awesome to you. Every time I see these posts I want to punch my screen. Now, I am probably sure the issue is me, I am sure everyone loves hour by hour pics and progress reports and learning how awesome your friends family is from doing what all families do. I know I am coming off as a jerk, and am will to take the hits for this topic, but I feel sooooo much better in doing so.

    I love God, I believe in Him but I do not want 20+ posts about him, twice (or more) every single day on my FB! So finally I blocked those posts from that person. Same with babies, their grandbabies mainly, I know they are proud and I post some for special events too but hello I have my limits. A couple now and then and it is awesome, tons everyday and I'm done. So yep I say just block what they post, still your 'friend' but you don't have to be bothered with it all.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I like to keep my Facebook friends at a minimum to include only people I actually speak to in real life. However, one of them are really annoying me. I would de-friend her but it would cause issues in my whole social circle. But this is my story. Lets call her PINA(Pain in *kitten*). She had a baby last Jan. Now, I know as a new parent and you are all excited and whatnot, but not everybody wants to see you post pic of said child everyday. Stop spamming me. On top of that, the pics come with "Watch out, super awesome cuteness coming you way". On every frickin picture. I have kids. I do not post pics of them. And I know that nobody thinks that my kinds are super awesome but me. Parents rights. The same is for all parents. Then...my husband is soooooo awesome. he gets up in the middle of the night to change the baby......I am, like,really, that is awesome to you. Every time I see these posts I want to punch my screen. Now, I am probably sure the issue is me, I am sure everyone loves hour by hour pics and progress reports and learning how awesome your friends family is from doing what all families do. I know I am coming off as a jerk, and am will to take the hits for this topic, but I feel sooooo much better in doing so.

    I bolded the important part if anyone would like cliffs.

    Thats what I thought too. Thanks Bro, now I feel justified in seeking the help I need.
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    There is this button on her profile..... it says FOLLOW, uncheck it. She will no longer show up on your news feed, but she can still see your posts. It's like deleting someone without the drama.


    AND they don't know when you unfollow them! Fabulous! :)
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Do what you want to do!!! You're a Grown *kitten* Man! Remove her if it annoys you that much!

    You can't make everyone happy all of the time. :-)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    D'aawwwww!!!! Cute kiddo!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    Would block so fast it'd make your head spin.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    It isn't as bad as those people who post, "Like dis and say dat you luv Jesus or the Devil will come and drag u 2 hell."
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Never made a facebook account luckily don't need to deal with this.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    You could do what I did and delete your FB.

    Insta-delete everybody and nobody can feel singled out.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member


    So much super awesome cuteness!!!

  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    Comes to one social media site to complain about another social media site.

    OMG!!!!! I just piddled in my pants. This is so damn cute!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    Just hide her from your newsfeed.

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You could do what I did and delete your FB.

    Insta-delete everybody and nobody can feel singled out.

    This times a million.