5'4 and 125 pounds pear shaped ladie

I have a pear shaped body so I have very large thighs and I HATE IT! You can already feel my spine, see my hand and feet bones, clear collar bone, and you can feel my ribs but my stomach has a little fat On it.
My bust is 34 1/2
My waist is 26 1/2
My hip is 36
My thighs/ leg is a little muscular. But there really big and bug me a lot. Are there any exercises/ diet to make them a little smaller. Thank you.


  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Sorry, no such thing as spot reduction. Maybe lots of core exercises like yoga/pilates could help a little, but don't expect a miraculous *poof* and no belly. But to me 5'4" and only 125 sounds like a fairly small size and I hope you don't think you are fat! I am 5'3" and 157 trying to get down to 135... You're an inch taller and already 10lbs lighter than my goal weight. I envy you :)
    Also remember bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and maybe your perception of having a big belly and thighs is just in your head. Take a little time to really look at yourself, and learn to LOVE your body, because it's probably alot more beautiful than you realize.
  • Coconutgirl78
    Coconutgirl78 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm pear shaped at 5'5" 130-132 pounds. I have found doing lots of cardio helps my legs get smaller and more toned. I just started running/walking more often and for a longer distance....and I can see a difference in my legs. I agree that yoga/Pilates would help also. In fact, I should start incorporating that into my routine too :) best wishes!
  • Thank you so much! :)
  • Thank you both so much! :) I'll try yoga/pilots and more cardio!
  • kpcallahan
    kpcallahan Posts: 5 Member
    I'm kinda in the same boat (I'm a guy, but details right?). Stupid thin everywhere except my thighs. I noticed last year that I had lost that "thigh gap," and I decided to switch things up. I kept with my usual running/lifting routine except when it came to leg workouts I always focused more on reps than weight. I don't know if you do any lifting exercises, but I'd suggest doing something like four sets of squats, lounges, leg press, etc. and shooting for 20ish reps. It worked for me at least!
  • azsomeone
    azsomeone Posts: 2
    Hi there! I am very pear shaped and the more I weigh the more pear shaped I get. I have found the answer for me - cycling! Start slow and build up. I'm about 175 lbs right now, need to lose at least 20, want to lose 40. My personal best, which I just got two weeks ago, is an average of 14.9 mph for 50 minutes! When I first started I could hardly breathe and barely go a couple of miles. When I was 155 two years ago it was amazing how my pear shape actually looked great with all the cycling and I wasn't even near that personal best (yes gained the weight back: had a hip injury not from cycling and then a 3 month illness last year (mono and pneumonia).