


  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I dunno I think dairy is disgusting because it comes from a different species and we are not meant to consume it, it's full of hormones, and they put all kinds of unhealthy things like salt, processed sugar, and pus in it! I'd go with vegan cheese if anything o.o

    You also might refrain from eating vegetables and certain fruit, because in many countries they use manure to fertilize those crops and some of it always sticks to the produce.....
    And before I forget, you also might want to avoid bread and bakery good, because cockroaches and mice love those warm places and the flour that is stored there. There always could be some cockroach or rodent poop in the bread.....:o).
    I could go on with those myth, but I think you understand what I am getting at.....
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I eat cheese almost every day. Nothing wrong with cheese.
  • One_Last_Time
    CHEEEESE! Laughing cow or ultra thin slices. Take 8 oz block and cut into 8 cubes. Put 7 in the freezer and take 1 out a day to eat. :)
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    HFLC diet...cheese becomes your friend!

    This! Yay cheese! I actually still measure or weigh my cheese though...
  • balanceandnirvana
    balanceandnirvana Posts: 51 Member
    I dunno I think dairy is disgusting because it comes from a different species and we are not meant to consume it, it's full of hormones, and they put all kinds of unhealthy things like salt, processed sugar, and pus in it! I'd go with vegan cheese if anything o.o

    You also might refrain from eating vegetables and certain fruit, because in many countries they use manure to fertilize those crops and some of it always sticks to the produce.....
    And before I forget, you also might want to avoid bread and bakery good, because cockroaches and mice love those warm places and the flour that is stored there. There always could be some cockroach or rodent poop in the bread.....:o).
    I could go on with those myth, but I think you understand what I am getting at.....

    Jeez I didn't mean to offend so many people with my opinion. And you all know what I meant by it coming from a different species lol. I really don't think people need milk passed infancy (and only their mother's breast milk). Like would you really want to go suck on cow tits?
    It's natural for manure to be in the earth. If there weren't toilets where do you think it would go? And I think most people wash off their produce before eating it. I do not eat bread or baked goods anyway.

    Also replying to somebody else, yes we need sodium to live but we don't need it in excess. There is naturally some sodium in everything and that's all we really need. Or maybe that's just me and all the other people who don't eat added salt.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I dunno I think dairy is disgusting because it comes from a different species and we are not meant to consume it, it's full of hormones, and they put all kinds of unhealthy things like salt, processed sugar, and pus in it! I'd go with vegan cheese if anything o.o

    You also might refrain from eating vegetables and certain fruit, because in many countries they use manure to fertilize those crops and some of it always sticks to the produce.....
    And before I forget, you also might want to avoid bread and bakery good, because cockroaches and mice love those warm places and the flour that is stored there. There always could be some cockroach or rodent poop in the bread.....:o).
    I could go on with those myth, but I think you understand what I am getting at.....

    Jeez I didn't mean to offend so many people with my opinion. And you all know what I meant by it coming from a different species lol. I really don't think people need milk passed infancy (and only their mother's breast milk). Like would you really want to go suck on cow tits?
    It's natural for manure to be in the earth. If there weren't toilets where do you think it would go? And I think most people wash off their produce before eating it. I do not eat bread or baked goods anyway.

    Also replying to somebody else, yes we need sodium to live but we don't need it in excess. There is naturally some sodium in everything and that's all we really need. Or maybe that's just me and all the other people who don't eat added salt.

    You didn't offend anyone.

    It wasn't your opinion we took issue with. We took issue with the blatant misinformation in your post.

    They put all kind of unhealthy things in it (hormones, salt, sugar and pus)
    We are not meant to consume it because it comes from another species.

    It's disgusting.
    You prefer vegan cheese.

    Your opinions were fine because they are your opinions. Spreading misinformation is not fine and frowned upon in a forum that strives to inform about issues such as fitness, obesity, weight loss and dietary health. Sort out your opinions from your 'facts' and you'll do just fine.
  • balanceandnirvana
    balanceandnirvana Posts: 51 Member
    Well ok fair enough. I can't PROVE that it has all those things in it, but you can't prove it doesn't either unless we actually went to every company to see how they process their milk. I actually don't really care for vegan cheese. It's yummy, but I prefer not to eat it. In my experience, I've felt much better after cutting out dairy and it's helped many other people as well. I didn't tell anybody that they should stop eating it, just that I think it's gross and not meant for human consumption. It is for baby cow (or goats depending what milk you drink). Cutting out cheese really could help with a diet because it is high in fat and salt. Fat is good in moderation unless you're trying to gain weight and salt makes your body puffy from water retention. Dairy also causes digestive problems for many people.