Chalean Extreme or T25

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
A few weeks ago I finished my first round of T25 and am trying to decide what to do next.

I want to lose 50 more pounds and lots of fat.

Do I try chalean extreme or T25?


  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I have both, they are different. Chalean is mainly strength with some cardio sets. It is a good program but I wouldn't use it alone for losing weight.
    T 25 has both, he has speed DVD, strength and some strength with cardio mixed in.

    I am glad I invested in it but got both on Ebay for much less. (T25 seemed new) I also bought Gamma T25 there when I finished Beta but still use combos of the DVD's now.

    Good luck! I lost about that amount of weight over the last year using Jillian,T25 and many others...keep at it and you will reach your goal.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Doing a Turbo Fire/ChaLEAN Extreme hybrid helped me to bust through a plateau and lose 20 more lbs. I HIGHLY recommend it!

    Feel free to friend me if you want more info - I tend not to get notifications if someone responds to my responses!
  • MrsBenTarr
    MrsBenTarr Posts: 42 Member
    I've finished T25 and I'm now on my last phase of Chalean. Two TOTALLY different programs, but both have their merits.

    In Chalean, I feel very strong -- I never thought I'd have to go out and buy a set of 30 lb weights! Be warned -- you WILL gain weight, especially during the Push phase. I gained/maintained, but got smaller because of the muscle I was building. Now that I'm in the Lean phase, I'm experiencing a bit of a "whoosh"!

    Feel free to add me!