my thighs won't lose weight!



  • michybeans
    michybeans Posts: 106
    my thighs are huge

    this is a pic i took yesterday


    desperate for help on how to slim my legs I run 5k 3 times a week I am doing some form of exercise (Gym, Zumba) every day and I am eatin around 1500kcal a day.

    Ummm just saying that your thighs are like my dream thighs... lol. I am still dealing with a cottage cheese situation and a Jell-O bounce (to the umpteenth degree) even after losing 28lbs and 5 inches off my waist (no inches from thighs), so I think you look great! Hope I get to where you are eventually!
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Mine are apparently the last to go as well, and I may be completely flat chested before my thighs get any slimmer. I don't have many more cup sizes to give, over here.
  • OmG i feel the same way but more like my stomach i cant lose its driving me crazy lol:sad: