Help building pecs!

Alright first I'll start by telling you that I have lost weight and still loosing weight.
I am currently 16% BF

Alright let's dive right in Uploads/image_zps0d35342e.jpg
This is a picture of my body and my pecs are about 1/2--1inch apart .. When I bench I do decline/incline/flat all of them sets of 12/10/8/5/5
I bench for reps and not weight to much so I start with 115lbs then 135lbs then 155lbs
My max is 175 (maybe the problem lies there) well I want better pecs like more visible and more square shape instead of the weird shape I have now .. Also it's not lose skin , I thought it was but my friend has loose skin and mine dosent really stretch much . Well if you can help me by giving me workout advance that would be great, thank you for your time


  • Chapin1997
    Chapin1997 Posts: 51 Member
    Bump ~
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I don't really know what to say but be patient. You can't expect to build new muscle if you are losing weight but you can maintain your strength. The more body fat you lose the better you are going to look. Just keep at it.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Chest is a tough one to develop. We all want a big nice chest. I'd very difficult to add size on a deficit, it's not impossible, but it would be more "re-comp".

    What exercises are you doing for chest? I'm sure you're doing Bench, which is great for strength, but in my opinion, doesn't build a big and defined chest. That's why Powerlifters with a great bench don't look like bodybuilders. Then you also have people that do wayyyyyy to much for chest, which doesn't help either.

    I pretty much do a handful of exercises for Chest:

    Incline DB press (low incline)
    and more Dips!!! (not enough people do dips)

    Currently cutting, so I added a couple of Bodybuilding exercises with cables for Aesthetics, and that's pretty much it.

    It takes time and dedication, stick with it, you'll see results.