5'7, 146 lbs but still fat? Help please?!

I am a 5'7 male who is 146 lbs with around what I estimate to be 26% body fat. The majority of my life I have been fat and out of shape but the last 4 years has been the worst mostly due to a car accident. Last summer I weighed 193 lbs and had enough of it. Fast forward to little over a year of weight loss and here I am with a smaller body but one that is still a fat one.

The thing that I am really puzzled about is my upper body is mostly fat free, however my lower body is an absolute mess. Once you get to my flabby stomach it goes down hill. My butt is horribly saggy, I can grab a handful of fat and pull it off to the side. Outside my thighs when I sit there is a line of 3 inches of fat. My calves have a handful of fat that i can pickup with easy and pull out to the side.

I so desperately want to lose the fat and build a new me. However at the same time I know for a male if I drop to 130 im going to look like a ugly stick. Ugh I cant win.

So here I am lost and confused. I been exercising at home as a gym is out of question and all it has done is lead me to where I am. Im the type of person who likes to follow a guide and stick with it, if anyone has a home workout program, diet plan or anything that I can follow and get results or any tips at all I would sincerely appreciate it so much


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Give your body some time to bounce back after losing weight and maybe focus on adding some bulk in the form of muscle, not reducing more. I would recommend reading The New Rules of Lifting. If a weight set is out of the question, buy a heavy kettlebell and join livefitrevolution.org and learn to use it and use their workouts. It's free.

    You're young, your skin will bounce back. Be nice to yourself and stop beating yourself up. Good luck!
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    Seems to me that you are not fat anymore, but have a lot of excessive skin hanging loose on you.
    Maybe, as recommended you may need to build some muscles now. With 5'7 and 146 you are really thin then as a male. For females 150 lbs at 5'7 is about 20% BF. So I don't believe that you are at 26% as a male with these numbers. You shouldn't loose any more weight. I am not suggesting to "bulk" but have a moderate weight lifting program to rebuild your muscles you lost with the weight loss. You may lost too fast weight and a lot of muscles with it. If you gain in the process about 10 to 15 lbs that seems to me in a health range for your gender.
    Ensure you have enough protein to build the muscles and also rest days between strength building days.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    What exercise program did you follow while you lost the weight?
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I would suggest resistance training. You say that a gym is out of the question but there are body resistance exercises that you can to to build your lean body mass. Squats, lunges, sit ups, crunches, push ups, pull ups, planks, dips from off a chair. You can use household items for additional resistance.... You tube should have several exercise demonstrations that use household options for resistance training. There are a number of other options... Of course, you can also invest in some dumb bells for resistance training at home. As one said, it sort of sounds like you may have more of a loose skin problem than a fat problem; but it is possible that you could be "skinny-fat" due to weight loss without addressing muscle development. Best wishes on your endeavor.