how to lose visceral fat(stomach fat)?

let me tell you a little about myself. i am 33/m..i am 6'0 and i currently weigh 227lbs. at my heaviest i was 296 about 1 1/2 years ago. for me,i would love to lose the visceral fat(belly fat). for the last 3 months,i have been watching what i eat,i eat about 1,500 calories a day and for the past week i have been walking from 3-5 miles a day. i have lost 30 pounds in 3 months but the weight has come off my arms and legs and face. i still have belly fat and man boobs. i have very little energy because i am walking alot and eating little but i just can't get rid of the visceral fat. i don't want to have skinny arms and legs and a big stomach and that is what i have now. i want to be 195lbs and i want to have no belly fat. i am wondering is there anything else that i can do to lose the belly fat? the past 2 days,i only ate 1,000 calories and walked 5-6 miles,but my stomach is not budging,is there a secret to losing belly fat? please help me,i really want to look as thin and as healthy as possible..i have a family history of type 2 diabetes and i know that belly fat is one of the main culprits. thanks


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You cannot spot reduce stomach fat. Focus on reducing overall body fat by eating a calorie deficit. Incorporate some form of strength training to preserve muscle mass and decrease body fat %.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    let me tell you a little about myself. i am 33/m..i am 6'0 and i currently weigh 227lbs. at my heaviest i was 296 about 1 1/2 years ago. for me,i would love to lose the visceral fat(belly fat). for the last 3 months,i have been watching what i eat,i eat about 1,500 calories a day and for the past week i have been walking from 3-5 miles a day. i have lost 30 pounds in 3 months but the weight has come off my arms and legs and face. i still have belly fat and man boobs. i have very little energy because i am walking alot and eating little but i just can't get rid of the visceral fat. i don't want to have skinny arms and legs and a big stomach and that is what i have now. i want to be 195lbs and i want to have no belly fat. i am wondering is there anything else that i can do to lose the belly fat? the past 2 days,i only ate 1,000 calories and walked 5-6 miles,but my stomach is not budging,is there a secret to losing belly fat? please help me,i really want to look as thin and as healthy as possible..i have a family history of type 2 diabetes and i know that belly fat is one of the main culprits. thanks

    Please go back to eating at least 1500, as a tall guy you should be able to eat much more and still lose. There is no spot reducing your body will lose it how it will, but keep at it and your belly will reduce. Are you eating some of your exercise cals back too? You should be eating 50-75% back. Do you do any weight training? You are not going to notice differences as quickly as you'd like, but it will come with perseverance.

    ETA: your little energy is from not eating enough. Eat more, you can do this without feeling crappy.
  • Captain_Wobbles
    Captain_Wobbles Posts: 240 Member
    It would be helpful for you to know approximately what your body fat percentage is and how much of your weight is lean mass.Once you get that you can figure out how much weight you actually need to lose. For example I want to get down to 15% body fat. I had my current bf% calculated using a bod pod and the results told me I am approximately 23% body fat. At that time i weighed 222 pounds. By multiplying that percentage by my current weight i know im carrying 51 pounds of fat on my frame. Now taking the percentage I am and subtracting my goal from it (23-15) im left with 8% body fat I need to lose to reach my goal. To get the actual pounds I would need to lose i should make my current and goal bf% into a decimal by dividing by 100,giving me .23 and .15. Then Multiply each number by your current body weight. (222*.23=51) and the multiply your current body weight by your goal bf% (222*.15=33) Now subtract both of those numbers to get the amount of fat loss you need to reach your goal.(51-33=18) Remember , like everybody has mentioned, you cant spot reduce areas without physically removing the fat via surgery. Also along with a caloric deficit some strength training will go a long way to preserve more lean mass.