Lunch time slump - Tired

Welppppp! Come Lunch time I am completely shattered and I mean I am resisting the urge to slump down at my desk for fear of being sacked.

I have opened my diary so if anyone has any advice on what this could be that would be great. Could it be something that I am eating. (FYI i drink about a gallon of water a day but barely log it as it is second nature to me)

Thanks in advance


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Your calories goal seems a little low, although your logging looks rather inconsistent so it's hard to know exactly how much you're eating. But if what you have logged is complete, then you are not meeting your goal on some days, and not eating exercise calories back.

    Aim to hit your calorie, protein and fat goals. I would also recommend you get more protein in at breakfast which will release energy more slowly through the morning.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Are you getting enough sleep? Seriously?

    You could experiment with eating fewer carbs and more protein and vegetables.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    It definitely looks like you are eating far too little. Some days you are only logging 900 calories, just from a quick skim of your diary. Farther back, your logging is much better. One thing I always go by is "you eat today for fuel tomorrow". If you are undereating, then you aren't giving your body adequate fuel for the day, and starting your next day off in a "slump".

    Your breakfasts are sometimes only 7-200 calories, and this could be why you're feeling tired by lunch. More protein at breakfast can keep you fuller longer, and it's good for your body to recover from exercise. Instead of just oats, add in some eggs and a couple pieces of bacon with your breakfast, to start.
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, apart from this weekend (hangover haze) I have been logging diligently, I usually use my android phone. I am wondering it if looks like I am not closing my diary after each day?

    More protein could be an option that I will look into, i noticed this sleepyness has gotten worse over the last week and it is always after lunch which isn't carb heavy??

    I don't always get as much sleep as I would like, I generally wake up at 5/5.30am for my workout before work so maybe my body is burnt out by the afternoon.
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    Do you have any on the go protein options, I usually have the oats on weekdays as it is easy to have at work.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    What I do ... on days I work out... I have my normal coffee (won't give that up.. nope.. not ever) then do my workout. After my shower, I grab 8oz of milk and mix in some vanilla protein powder and drink that on my way to work.

    In the meantime, I have packed my breakfast, lunch, snacks for the day (because I am one of those that has to eat all the time while I am at work lol). Once I get to work, I make my oatmeal and have a hard boiled egg (today)... then IF I get hungry before lunch, I grab my greek yogurt (little go cups from the store).. then I have my lunch which is usually left over dinner from the night before.. Time saver and I am lazy :)

    Find what works for you! It is trial and error and I love things super quick and easy so I usually just eat the same things over and over except dinner.. that is when I like to go all out :)
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    What I do ... on days I work out... I have my normal coffee (won't give that up.. nope.. not ever) then do my workout. After my shower, I grab 8oz of milk and mix in some vanilla protein powder and drink that on my way to work.

    In the meantime, I have packed my breakfast, lunch, snacks for the day (because I am one of those that has to eat all the time while I am at work lol). Once I get to work, I make my oatmeal and have a hard boiled egg (today)... then IF I get hungry before lunch, I grab my greek yogurt (little go cups from the store).. then I have my lunch which is usually left over dinner from the night before.. Time saver and I am lazy :)

    Find what works for you! It is trial and error and I love things super quick and easy so I usually just eat the same things over and over except dinner.. that is when I like to go all out :)

    Thank you this is great feedback, I have been wondering about protein shakes for some time but was worried that it would then mess with my calories. Can you recommend any good protein shakes?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    No shakes for me... I just grabbed some protein powder (vanilla) from the store that matched how much protein I wanted and I just mix it up in some milk... makes it like vanilla milk... super yummmmmmmmmmm lol