Ate junk food but under calorie goal?

So today I ate a pack of Doritos and a small chocolate bar. :( I'm still under my calorie goal though and I intend on skipping lunch, having fruits for dinner and working out for an hour. Will this still affect me?? (Weight-wise or look-wise, eg will I bloat?)


  • saranankivell
    saranankivell Posts: 2 Member
    Under calorie goal but how much out of sync are your macros? all calories arent created equal. think about how foods fuel your body not just about how many calories they are - i'd hazard a guess that 500 calories of good healthy nutritous foods will make you feel 100x better than 500 calories of junk. listen to your body.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I eat chocolate most days if it fits eat it my macros are nearly always over but I still lost fat and inches and weight so don't beat yourself up
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    You'll be fine. In terms of losing weight "all calories are equal". However, junk food will make you feel less full, provide less nutrients etc and are just generally not that good an idea. So, it's much better to eat healthy food than junk. Every once in a while won't matter too much though.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    I eat either chocolate or biscuits or crisps or whatever literally every day. I fit these into my calories and into my macros, making sure I get enough protein and don't go too mad on fat or carbs. Don't skip lunch or dinner, but feel free to work out to 'earn' yourself back some calories. Usually if I know I've got an event/celebration/xmas/easter I make sure to have a good run to limit the impact of all those extra cals.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I would suggest you read this

    Your plan sounds terrible tbh - you have over 500 calories left - more if you exercise (you should be eating those back)

    Have a light lunch

    Have a sensible balance dinner including protein - not just fruit. Don't stress if you go over you're calories goal - it seems a little low anyway with only 6kg left to lose.

    Don't punish yourself for eating food, instead learn how to fit those foods into your day. Only you will know if certain foods make you bloat - that is personal to your body. No foods make me bloat.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Why torture yourself if you're still under your calorie goal? Yesterday I had a bag of walkers crisps and a peperami stick, I don't care cause it was in my cals and I enjoyed it. You don't have to eat 100% clean to lose weight. I ate a full pizza last week but still lost weight.