
What do you do to fight your cravings?
I'm horrible at saying no and just caving.
Any tips?


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    When I stopped being overly restrictive, set myself at a reasonable deficit, and found I could include all the foods I enjoy within my deficit, my cravings are few and far between. Portion control and moderation :)
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 420 Member
    When I stopped being overly restrictive, set myself at a reasonable deficit, and found I could include all the foods I enjoy within my deficit, my cravings are few and far between. Portion control and moderation :)

    I am completely opposite. I have to be stricter because of the cravings. I gave up sweets, soda and artificial sweeteners because I wanted to eat 1/4 of those for my daily calories. I was also going over some days due to those cravings. Now I hardly ever crave them and have been under my calorie goal most of the time. But that is just me.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    When I stopped being overly restrictive, set myself at a reasonable deficit, and found I could include all the foods I enjoy within my deficit, my cravings are few and far between. Portion control and moderation :)

    +1000% - diary is open - have a peak
  • awomaninsane
    awomaninsane Posts: 75 Member
    I'm with jwhited71, everything in moderation. If i go on a diet and make myself cut out certain foods/drinks it doesn't work, the cravings just take over! Now i have pretty much what i want just a lot less of it.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    I do a combo of what the two above me said :) I plan in a smaller portion of my 'craved' foods, such as Reeses Peanut Butter cups. I've found that 5 of the mini's (the one's about 1/4" in diameter) are about 100 calories. Keeps me from going bonkers craving them.
  • rudexvirus
    rudexvirus Posts: 52 Member
    I try to remember to just keep everything in moderation as well. Meaning I rarely tell myself I just can't have something, I just need to make it fit into my daily, or weekly calories. (Keeping a weekly tally has really helped me not feel so guilty about daily snacks/treats/life happening)

    But I still get cravings for things I can't have. For example, I went two weeks straight where all I wanted was some double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds (This used to be my Go-To Greasy meal) Everyone kept telling me I could have what I wanted,as long as I make it fit. I know this! But, it just wasn't worth it. Every day I would look at my calories, and the amount in what I wanted,and judged whether making it fit was worth that number.

    Most days, it wasn't. Those 500 some calories could have gone to alcohol, a snack, a better breakfast or lunch, or a meal out later in the week. I could have worked it in, but I didn't want to, because It just wasn't worth the calories to begin with.

    That's one of the best ways I fight cravings. I give in some times, but I try really hard to keep perspective on the goal in mind, instead of just that day.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm either going to eat none of it, or I'm going to crave it. So I choose eat none of it.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    I just didn't stock any junk food. if it's not in the house, it's not going to be in my stomach.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    I still eat pretty much anything I want. Chocolate, crisps and biscuits (that's chips and cookies in american) - the only thing I sometimes crave is sweets (candy?) which we have in the office. But once I started logging the office jelly beans I started noticing just how little value they had. I'm now finding it easy to say no because they're not worth it, I'd rather 'spend' those cals on something else.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I'm trying to fit everything in my daily calorie needs. When I was loosing weight (Now I'm maintaining) I cut all of the sweets and stuff, but now I'm allowing myself treats everyday. Like for example, I just had dark chocolate pieces. Yum.
    Yes sometimes is really easy to slip, but when you treat yourself often, you won't feel the need to binge and stuff. At least that's the deal with me.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I worked one craving at first which was soda. As you keep not caving its gets easier to not crave. Then I took on a lot like alcohol, juices, subway, pizza, and McDonalds. I don't caving in to pizza and McDonalds because it fits in my lifestyle now. I just eat them in moderation. When my inside of the body got cleaner I do not crave processed foods anymore.
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 420 Member
    I'm trying to fit everything in my daily calorie needs. When I was loosing weight (Now I'm maintaining) I cut all of the sweets and stuff, but now I'm allowing myself treats everyday. Like for example, I just had dark chocolate pieces. Yum.
    Yes sometimes is really easy to slip, but when you treat yourself often, you won't feel the need to binge and stuff. At least that's the deal with me.

    This is my game plan. Once I get my goal weight I will slowly allow myself to have sweets in moderation. Rigt now, I cannot control myself around them to let them in my diet.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I'm trying to fit everything in my daily calorie needs. When I was loosing weight (Now I'm maintaining) I cut all of the sweets and stuff, but now I'm allowing myself treats everyday. Like for example, I just had dark chocolate pieces. Yum.
    Yes sometimes is really easy to slip, but when you treat yourself often, you won't feel the need to binge and stuff. At least that's the deal with me.

    This is my game plan. Once I get my goal weight I will slowly allow myself to have sweets in moderation. Rigt now, I cannot control myself around them to let them in my diet.

    Would you say that you have a sweets addiction?
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 420 Member
    I'm trying to fit everything in my daily calorie needs. When I was loosing weight (Now I'm maintaining) I cut all of the sweets and stuff, but now I'm allowing myself treats everyday. Like for example, I just had dark chocolate pieces. Yum.
    Yes sometimes is really easy to slip, but when you treat yourself often, you won't feel the need to binge and stuff. At least that's the deal with me.

    This is my game plan. Once I get my goal weight I will slowly allow myself to have sweets in moderation. Rigt now, I cannot control myself around them to let them in my diet.

    Would you say that you have a sweets addiction?

    You caught me! My name is Cait, and I am addicted to sugar. I cannot just have 1 portion of sour patch kids, it ends up being a lot more. Before I know it half of my calories are gone. I don't crave sugar anymore. My husband was eating candy infront of me the other day and I didn't want any.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Eat enough. If I'm hungry it's impossible to say no. If I eat enough I can listen to reason and say "the chocolate bars will still be there later" and not need to eat more than will fit in my overall calorie plan for the day.