PMS cravings help!

Has anyone got any tips for stunting PMS cravings? I don't actually crave any specific foods I just feel like I need food all the time and nothing satisfies me!


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    That's a tough one....I try to figure out exactly what I'm craving and then go ahead and have a little or find something comparable that will satisfy me. If you can't identify what exactly you want (salty, cruncy, sweet, creamy), it's going to be tough to get past that.

    If you're just hungry, it may be more a matter of making you're you're making certain choices. Foods higher in healthy fats and protein will help you to feel full longer than say a higher carb food. Some also feel high fiber helps (doesn't always work for me).

    Also, they say we burn a few hundred extra calories at that time so if you happen to go over 100 calories because you're extra hungry and need that extra snack, it's nothing to worry about.
  • tahinilove
    tahinilove Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the reply! :) I literally went through 4000+ calories of food trying to find the craving! I tend to like salty and fatty though.

    Thanks for the reassurance too.