TDEE v BMR - confused!

So can someone please explain if I should be aiming for below TDEE or below BMR for weight loss. I am getting really confused - my TDEE is 2,279. I would very rarely eat that when not dieting and put on weight so should I be aiming for BMR (1,450).

MFP put me on 1200 calories for 2lb a week loss.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    with 40 lbs as your goal weight loss i would set it too 1-1.5 lbs, leaving you at 1500 calories a day. typically you dont want to eat less than your BMR

    keep in mind these are estimates though, eat 1500 for a month or so and adjust from there based on results
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    So can someone please explain if I should be aiming for below TDEE or below BMR for weight loss. I am getting really confused - my TDEE is 2,279. I would very rarely eat that when not dieting and put on weight so should I be aiming for BMR (1,450).

    MFP put me on 1200 calories for 2lb a week loss.

    If you gain weight at 2279, that is not your TDEE despite what an online calculator says (that is assuming that logging is spot on). People recommend eating below TDEE but above BMR. Keep in mind MFP does not figure TDEE as it does not include exercise until you log it, so even at 1200, MFP expects you to eat more on days you exercise.

    As the other poster mentioned, with 40lbs to lose, 2lbs a week is too high of a goal. That is appropriate for people with 75lbs or more to lose. Your goal should be between 1lb -1.5lbs a week at most.
  • fuzzysham
    fuzzysham Posts: 75 Member lose weight you generally eat below your BMR.

    if my BMR is 1700 and I want to lose a pound a week, I would eat 1200 a day for a 500 calorie a day deficit

    I don't understand why people here are saying NOT to do this
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member lose weight you generally eat below your BMR.

    if my BMR is 1700 and I want to lose a pound a week, I would eat 1200 a day for a 500 calorie a day deficit

    I don't understand why people here are saying NOT to do this
    bmr is basal metabolic rate i.e. the rate you burn calories at complete rest. so just walking around or any other activities burns more calories which creates your TDEE. there is usually a pretty decent gap between the 2 numbers
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member lose weight you generally eat below your BMR.

    if my BMR is 1700 and I want to lose a pound a week, I would eat 1200 a day for a 500 calorie a day deficit

    I don't understand why people here are saying NOT to do this

    Wrong. BMR is the amount you burn without doing anything. Your TDEE is your maintenance level and takes into account your activity level. To lose you should aim for below your TDEE but above your BMR. To lose a pound a week, figure your TDEE and subtract 500 calories.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member lose weight you generally eat below your BMR.

    if my BMR is 1700 and I want to lose a pound a week, I would eat 1200 a day for a 500 calorie a day deficit

    I don't understand why people here are saying NOT to do this

    I think you might be mistaken about BMR. BMR is Basal Metabolic Rate. It is the amount of calories your body needs just to survive, like if you were in a coma all day. On top of BMR, our bodies require energy to perform our every day functions, like our job, walking to the car, brushing our teeth, even sitting or standing around. How much that is varies from individual depending on daily activity.
    So if your BMR is 1200, at the very least, a sedentary person burns about 1.2 times more than that, so they would require 1440 calories a day at least.
    This is what MFP figures when it sets your calorie goal. It figures NEAT - non exercise activity thermogenesis - then creates a deficit from that.
    On top of that, many people exercise. MFP expects you to log that exercise and eat those calories back.
    Or you can use the TDEE method (total daily energy expenditure) which figures your BMR, plus daily activity, plus your exercise requirements. Then you create a deficit from that
    For example, someone who is moderately active with a BMR of 1200 will have a TDEE around 1860. It is this number you create a deficit from, not BMR.
  • beautyh2t
    beautyh2t Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx

    Your post worked. It is here
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out
  • beautyh2t
    beautyh2t Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out

    Thanks so much BigT- can I ask if I go for 1500-1750 cals a day is that at basic not including exercise cals? for instance today i walk 7k which MFP works out at adding around 300 cals so would I add that on to my 1500-1750 cals? Off to check out the stickes too, really appreciate the input!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out

    Thanks so much BigT- can I ask if I go for 1500-1750 cals a day is that at basic not including exercise cals? for instance today i walk 7k which MFP works out at adding around 300 cals so would I add that on to my 1500-1750 cals? Off to check out the stickes too, really appreciate the input!

    If you figured TDEE, you do not add in exercise calories. IF you follow MFP, you do.
    You will notice that both these numbers will end up in the same place if done correctly.

    I linked one of those posts in your thread. It does a really great job of breaking down everything
  • beautyh2t
    beautyh2t Posts: 18 Member
    thanks 3 dogs! just to clarify then- I am going to try shifting up my daily cals to 1500 and not increase for exercise , will then this cause problems on say sat/suns when i don't have the same amount of energy output mon-fri?

    EDIT-ignore me- will pop on my post that worked!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out

    Thanks so much BigT- can I ask if I go for 1500-1750 cals a day is that at basic not including exercise cals? for instance today i walk 7k which MFP works out at adding around 300 cals so would I add that on to my 1500-1750 cals? Off to check out the stickes too, really appreciate the input!

    No. Do not eat back exercise calories when using TDEE, exercise is already figured in. Stick to 1500-1750 and continue to work out, but don't eat back calories.
  • beautyh2t
    beautyh2t Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out

    Thanks so much BigT- can I ask if I go for 1500-1750 cals a day is that at basic not including exercise cals? for instance today i walk 7k which MFP works out at adding around 300 cals so would I add that on to my 1500-1750 cals? Off to check out the stickes too, really appreciate the input!

    No. Do not eat back exercise calories when using TDEE, exercise is already figured in. Stick to 1500-1750 and continue to work out, but don't eat back calories.

    Thanks Kelleybean- really appreciate all the help, think I have read so much I have just confused myself! soyou reckon the TDEE way of 1500-1750 cals is the best way even if I am only exercising monday-friday and am usually more sedentary on weekends? or is it safer to use the MFP method take their setting of 1470 cals with more on walking days ( around 280 additional) This might be a silly question sorry just want to check I am clear on the options!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out

    Thanks so much BigT- can I ask if I go for 1500-1750 cals a day is that at basic not including exercise cals? for instance today i walk 7k which MFP works out at adding around 300 cals so would I add that on to my 1500-1750 cals? Off to check out the stickes too, really appreciate the input!

    No. Do not eat back exercise calories when using TDEE, exercise is already figured in. Stick to 1500-1750 and continue to work out, but don't eat back calories.

    Thanks Kelleybean- really appreciate all the help, think I have read so much I have just confused myself! soyou reckon the TDEE way of 1500-1750 cals is the best way even if I am only exercising monday-friday and am usually more sedentary on weekends? or is it safer to use the MFP method take their setting of 1470 cals with more on walking days ( around 280 additional) This might be a silly question sorry just want to check I am clear on the options!

    I think it's a matter of preference. Use either MFP + eat back calories OR TDEE - 250-500 calories/wk. Just don't try to mix the two, IMO. I prefer the TDEE method just because I don't have to figure anything else. Also, I think that MFP overestimates calories burned in many instances. I would try eating 1600 without eating exercise calories and see how that works, then tweak your calories up or down after a couple of weeks so you lose .5 - 1 lb a week--slow and steady.
  • beautyh2t
    beautyh2t Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone, first off I totally apologise as I am a COMPLETE newb to all this and to the forums but I am in desperate need of some help as I am completely lost! after losing 3 stone myself in the last 4 years with little knowledge and just cutting out drink and altering what i was eating ( student lifestyle!) I stopped losing, so to shift the last stone I spent a year on slimming world (UK) which I really didn't agree with nutritionally and it has been a slow year of low fat. I am only now looking into learning about macros etc as this last stone keeps creeping back ( no doubt thanks to the unlimited eating of some foods slimming world allows!) but I am still very confused. I weigh around 68 kgs and am 5'7 and have a moderately active lifestyle ( walk 7kms a day 5 days a week, gym a couple of times- need to learn how to lift but dont currently just do 30 mins of moderate bike) I am trying to use myfitness pal and it is saying 1200 cals a day with 150gs of carbs, 40 fat and 60 protein. Is this right? reading up on this thread has made things a little clearer but just so much information. so sorry to sound so new- but any help/guidance thoughts on what I should be aiming for would be amazing. I am aiming to lose a little weight maybe a stone maximum and generally improve nutirtion and then work on learning to lift. So sorry to post this in here- i have tried to post as new topic but it doesnt seem to be showing anywhere? xx
    with only 14 lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5-1 lb/ week of fat loss, which is a 250-500 daily calorie deficit. i worked your TDEE out to be 1990 from, so you should be eating between 1500-1750 calories a day. that macro split seems to be okay, maybe go a little higher on protein and a little less on carbs.

    i would recommend looking at the top of the message boarrds on the topics that have little pins beside them ("stickies"). they have a ton of great info for people atarting out

    Thanks so much BigT- can I ask if I go for 1500-1750 cals a day is that at basic not including exercise cals? for instance today i walk 7k which MFP works out at adding around 300 cals so would I add that on to my 1500-1750 cals? Off to check out the stickes too, really appreciate the input!

    No. Do not eat back exercise calories when using TDEE, exercise is already figured in. Stick to 1500-1750 and continue to work out, but don't eat back calories.

    Thanks Kelleybean- really appreciate all the help, think I have read so much I have just confused myself! soyou reckon the TDEE way of 1500-1750 cals is the best way even if I am only exercising monday-friday and am usually more sedentary on weekends? or is it safer to use the MFP method take their setting of 1470 cals with more on walking days ( around 280 additional) This might be a silly question sorry just want to check I am clear on the options!

    I think it's a matter of preference. Use either MFP + eat back calories OR TDEE - 250-500 calories/wk. Just don't try to mix the two, IMO. I prefer the TDEE method just because I don't have to figure anything else. Also, I think that MFP overestimates calories burned in many instances. I would try eating 1600 without eating exercise calories and see how that works, then tweak your calories up or down after a couple of weeks so you lose .5 - 1 lb a week--slow and steady.

    Thanks so much Kelleybean that sounds like a fab plan will give it a shot- you have all been a fab help! xx