Running Envy



  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle

    I cant do push ups pregnant or not and im envious x

    Thank you:)
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    Go to your HAPPY place when this person is talking. Also.... do you have a nice set of earphones that you can wear for long periods of time when you DO NOT WANT TO BE DISTURBED? That might help this person realize you are NOT LISTENING, and have other interests.

    Be kind... but be un-interested.

    Its ok to detach from the convo if its one sided. ya know? Change the subject when it comes up!!!!! Mention that there is SO MUCH MORE TO LIFE THAN RUNNING, RUNNING.... RUNNING. :laugh: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    The person might think they're SOMEHOW entertaining and HELPING you since you aren't running these days.... or they might be clueless to the fact that you do not wish to hear all their info.

    God bless you.... wish I could help you.

  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    I was hit from behind by a car while doing a charity century ride (mile 33) on the 3rd of May and it's still going to be a few weeks until I can work out. Coincidentally while being checked out for the accident they found I had a cracked spine and 2 slipped discs (pre-existing, I've had symptoms for years, but it's mostly every 3-4 months I'll wake up and be in so much pain I have to wait a few minutes and then get up and when I do core exercises sometimes I have to stop and modify, but I did an Ironman so it really doesn't stop me from anything; I'm 36). The doctor was actually surprised I had never seen anyone else about this before. And mom mentioned when she was younger they suggested back surgery and she never got it and it's genetic so who knows if I'll ever need it. Only if the pain gets too bad. But it seems that I'll still be able to run but I have questions about it now.

    But through these 6-almost 7 weeks of bed rest (for two weeks I stayed in bed and after that I go to work and sit in a chair and then go lay in bed the rest of the time, and the pain is 24/7... just wearing clothes hurts, I have a hematoma on the right backside), I have stayed on Facebook and I love to see other people work out. It just reminds I'll be back there someday :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Running is all I talk about. And snowboarding. I don't blame him. Running is the *kitten*! Been doing it 6 years now.
    I had my 2nd spine fusion for scoliosis 8 weeks ago. I'll be back running in 2 months. Next race is November. So stoked to resume racing again.
    Back feels perfect!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    SinCity, wishing you a good recovery, I admire your spirit.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    You're being a brat.
  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    SinCity, wishing you a good recovery, I admire your spirit.

    Thanks :) The doctor actually told me I shouldn't run ever again and I went to Facebook contemplating a life without running and came to the conclusion that I would miss it dearly but I could live a life with just Spin and BodyPump (he said ride to my heart's content). Then through Facebook I heard about people having stuff fused and still running and it gave me hope. And I didn't even go to the doctor for the back pain! And it's such a small intrusion in my life that's not even an issue now so I'll just keep doing what I've been doing for years.

    Starting eating too much and I gained 12 lbs :( And got all flabby, I was fit and lean 7 weeks ago sigh :) This is gonna suck when I get restarted! Started back on the eating well bandwagon this week to at least stop the piling on until I can pile off (the more I work out the less hungry I get, so if I work out the lbs just melt right off).
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    We went through this when my husband was injured. I stopped talking to him about my runs because I felt bad that he couldn't run, but I also felt depressed about not being able to talk to him about something we both love to do and something that was such a big part of my life. I found that runners love to talk about running, and I didn't realize how much talking about it improved me until I had to keep quiet. Having experienced this, I can see why your coworker wants to continue to talk to you about this sport you both share so much knowledge in.

    I know my husband can no longer play soccer/futbol, but I can assure you (esp this time of year) he still loves to talk about it. He still has that love of the sport. maybe your coworker thinks you feel this way about running, too.
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    I'm another one who's out injured at the minute too.

    Instead of moping on the sidelines, or sticking my fingers in my ears going "I dont want to hear!" I've got very involved in the marshalling/ volunteering/ timekeeping etc side of things. Those roles are often undervalued, but they help all those other runners achieve their goals.

    I like to think there's a running community, with a supportive spirit, through good times and bad.

    (Set a goal for an activity that you can manage while you heel.)
  • fr053n
    fr053n Posts: 2,793 Member
    Stop talking to him