Bipolar and Struggling with sleep deprivation

Just thinking, since I'm existing on so few hours of sleep it hard to accomplish much.

Anybody else here struggling with a mental illness, too many meds, sleep deprivation, but trying to diet and exercise. Failing misarably at the diet part and feeling so weak it's hard to do any lengthy period of aerobic exercise, which would probably help me sleep. Thinking of getting my thyroid checked as I don't have one and maybe my levels are off.


  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I am no expert but my mental state is 1000% better after exercising. I use to sleep a lot, eat a lot and feel disgusted with myself getting ready for work as my clothes didn't fit and/or just looked bad. I also would get winded walking up a couple flights of steps at work. I had no self confidence.

    Now I feel like crap if I don't exercise in the morning and my confidence is a lot better.
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    My problem is I'm not sleeping at all or very little. Today I went shopping at the mall with my daughter hoping that if I got out of the house instead of sitting here thinking about how tired I was it might help. We'll see. Yesterday I did force myself to do some strength training and 30 min. on the treadmill, but no sleep.

    I called my doctor's office about getting my thyroid tested and the nurse left me a message saying I had to come in and talk to the doctor even thou I just saw her 2 weeks ago. I guess we didn't talk about the sleep or thyroid issue so I need a $100+ office visit before she can run the test. Wouldn't you want to get my thyroid levels back before having me come in? My daughter thinks it has something to do with Medicare requirements. How stupid.

    Going to have a light dinner and go over to the fitness center and work out. We'll see if this helps.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I take an advil PM just about every night. Sometimes two.
  • Moosello
    Moosello Posts: 15
    I'm also bipolar as well. Something that helps me A LOT is sleeping with an eye mask on. The ambient light really messes with my ability to sleep, and once I started using one I fell asleep faster and sleep longer.

    Also, make sure you aren't drinking any caffeine after noon. The effects of caffeine can last up to bed time and make it hard to fall asleep.

    I'd definitely get that thyroid tested too. Good luck with everything!
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    I take a lot of meds, several which cause sedation - one being a sleeping pill and still - zip, nada. I tried adding some Byndryl on my own last night, but nothing. I also have to sleep in total darkness and even wear ear plugs. I'm not going to make it to the fitness center, but will do some crunches and weights here. I'm sitting here looking at my H lying in his chair right now "snoring". Ugh! Before he fell asleep I told him I was ready to go to bed then looked at the clock only to realize it's only 5:30pm. I just made some delicious vegetable soup so will at least have something healthy to eat.

    Thanks for the suggestions. It helps to vent.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    I can totally relate to you. I also have bipolar disorder, and lifelong insomnia. I am on several medications, including sleep meds. Sometimes, they work, sometimes they don't. Sleep is ESSENTIAL to my mental and physical health. Many days, I am too tired to do anything, so I sit around and watch TV all day. If I do get up and around or go for a walk, I consider that a real accomplishment. I concentrate on limiting my calories rather than burning them with exercise, since I never know what my sleep schedule/moods will be like.

    I wish I had suggestions on how to get better sleep, but I'm sure you've tried just about everything by now. I really hope your doctor can help you. If not, find another doctor. I'm sure there is one who can work with you to find a better solution.

    And you can add me as a friend if you like!
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    Well I got a little sleep last night. Instead of taking all my meds at once I spaced them out over a 2 hour period. I also am trying Melatonin and doubled up on that. Of course I also doubled up on my sleeping pill, but according to my dr. that won't help so no more of that. Slept from about 10:30pm to 3:30am and was able to just rest until around 7am so feel somewhat functional this morning. Still not sleepy at bedtime thou, just tired. As of today no more diet pepsi, even thou I'm having it around noon it may be affecting me.

    Got to have a doubled breast ultrasound this afternoon. I have dense breasts and they found a lump in both breasts. They think their cysts so this is just to be safe and reassure me.
  • 24explorergirl
    24explorergirl Posts: 9 Member
    I suffer with depression and borderline personality and I find I just have it really wear myself out in the day and force myself to stay awake in the day if I haven't slept well. It's easier said than done, I know! Also maybe your medication is interfering with it ? I find it hard to sleep if I've been reliant on medication to help me sleep then go without. Good luck x
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    I have depression, insomnia, and an eating disorder (quite a collection we all have! :laugh: ) When I need to stick to a schedule, sleep is the bane of my life. I've recently finished university but I can definitely say that my insomnia ruined a lot of my time there, especially when it comes to studying

    I concur with the others about sleeping pills: they're temporary. It might be hellish, but wean off them. I'm sorry I don't have anything else to suggest, since my sleeping is still as bad as ever :( it just isn't an immediate issue due to it being summer.
    I'm sorry to hear about your appointments, stay strong and I hope things go well
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    :smile: Gave up my one diet pepsi I usually have around 1pm and slept for almost 12 hours last night. Cut back on some of the meds, but did take the Melatonin. Fingers crossed that this is the solution as we planning a vacation to Europe in August and I was starting to obsess about this. Figuring between the no sleep and jet lag the trip would be a disaster. Still tired, but heading to the fitness center today.
  • fr053n
    fr053n Posts: 2,793 Member
    I have not noticed any improvement in my sleep even after exercising. I barely ever get enough sleep :( It also didn't help to cut out caffeine.
  • m0dizzle
    m0dizzle Posts: 101 Member
    Cutting out caffeine past a certain hour (or all together), taking a multivitamin, getting more iron into my diet, and doing yoga 3-4 times a week has really helped (nearly) cure my insomnia. I highly recommend yoga if you are having trouble getting enough sleep.
  • Moosello
    Moosello Posts: 15
    Hooray! I'm glad you got some sleep last night. Give it a week or so to make sure it really and truly does. :) If not, I'm sure you will find something that works for you.
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    Well I didn't have much sleep last night despite no diet pepsi. Today I laid down for about an hour and listened to a "Yota Nidra" relaxation session on my IPOD. The speaker takes you thru your entire body focusing on every single part. "Thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, etc. It relaxed me enough to rest for about an hour. Going to try and listen to it again at bedtime. Also called my endocrinologist to get my thyroid tested next week.