Is 155 lbs too low for a male (5' 8")?

This morning I finally dipped below 155 lbs. I feel great, wears 32" pants and overall I think I look smart. There is still some more fat around belly which I hope to get rid of very soon.

Now the question - Is 155 lbs too low for a male who is 5' 8" tall?

My plan is to get down to 150 lbs and then start strength training.


  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    My DH is 5'11" and 148. He is about 11% body fat. So no, I don't think 155 is too low.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't think so....maybe you will look really lean but not too skinny.
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    5'10, 155 lbs:

  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    I don't think 155 is too low necessarily but you may want to start working out with weights right away. At that weight with muscle you will look lean and strong rather than just "boyish" or skinny.
  • sheltrk
    sheltrk Posts: 111 Member
    Honestly, it's a personal choice. You're fine in terms of being at a healthy weight for your height, assuming you have average musculature. I'm 5'9", and I dipped down below 145 lbs (~10% body fat) and didn't look too skinny. I have a discernable 4-to-6-pack at that weight, and I'm pretty veiny. I'm planning to slowly build up muscle from here though.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    My DH is 5'11" and 148. He is about 11% body fat. So no, I don't think 155 is too low.

  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    No reason to not start lifting now. Get stronger and lose fat.
  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in the same range - 5'6", 147 lbs, ~10% body fat, 30 inch waist. There's no reason to wait on strength training. At the least, it will help you retain what you have if you keep losing weight. The pace of losing weight will change, but you'll be improving your lean muscle mass ratio.
  • Beautiful_disaster40
    My ex was 5'9" and hovered around that weight, he was all lean muscle and definitely wasn't too thin.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 6' 0" and 203lbs. I was going to continue to lose until 185 or so and then start lifting. I decided to just go for it and start lifting now, I figured there was no reason to wait and every reason to start.

    Good luck!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    This morning I finally dipped below 155 lbs. I feel great, wears 32" pants and overall I think I look smart. There is still some more fat around belly which I hope to get rid of very soon.

    Now the question - Is 155 lbs too low for a male who is 5' 8" tall?

    My plan is to get down to 150 lbs and then start strength training.

    Start training now ... it's about body composition not actual weight... for me at 180lbs I have a smaller waist then you at 155lbs... (size 30) right now I am 213 lbs and I wear a size 34 ... that puts me 63lbs heavier then you and my waist is only 2 inches larger . . .. see how body composition versus a number on a scale is what really matters... actually what really matters is that your happy brother, if you like you **** what anyone else thinks!!!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I don't get they whole "and then start strength training" thing. Lifting weights while running a calorie deficit helps preserve muscle. If you aren't doing it, you are losing too much muscle mass along with the fat. Which leads to the condition you have currently found yourself, skinny fat. I am 5" 8" as well. I was 152 lbs, 30.4" waist at the end of my first cut last summer and was still a little bit on the skinny fat side with very little ab definition.


    Right now I am 160 with just under a 30" waist...and still a little bit skinny fat with very little ab definition (see profile pic).

    All that to say this: start weight training yesterday.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My husband is 5'9" 156 lbs and isn't too skinny. Why are you waiting to start strength training? Start now!
  • RawIndian
    RawIndian Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you for all the responses. Looks like the overall message is to start strength training right away.

    I am in the planning stages of this change as with two toddlers adding something new into our daily routine takes planning. Besides I am vegan so I really need to plan my diet and workouts carefully.

    Thanks again.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    not too lol

    no reason not to begin resistance training immediately tho.

    Im 5'8" and my profile pics are at about 155
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Thank you for all the responses. Looks like the overall message is to start strength training right away.

    I am in the planning stages of this change as with two toddlers adding something new into our daily routine takes planning. Besides I am vegan so I really need to plan my diet and workouts carefully.

    Thanks again.

    good luck with the vegan thing, yes you will have to plan carefully. I shoot for about .75 g of protein per lbs body weight.

    maybe there is vegan protein powder?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My sons are both over 6', well muscled and healthy. One weights 142, one 153. Do start training.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    155 isn't too skinny. I'm 5'9" and got down to 160lbs. I felt like I didn't want to get any skinnier than that but was still sitting at close to 20% bf. I lifted moderately while losing weight but wish now I would have lifted heavily. Rather than continuing to cut down to 150lbs or so I decided to kick off a bulk and cut when I hit 160lbs and try to improve bf% that way. I'm up 9 lbs (mid way through my 6th week) and still fit my 32" pants size with room to spare. Last time I was 170lb + I was wearng 34"

    Hoping to cut 3% bf or so this go around and if successful will do it again. Like other posters mentioned, start lifting now, and lift heavy.
  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    ...Like other posters mentioned, start lifting now, and lift heavy.

    Lift smart, don't worry about heavy. Jumping straight to heavy is risky. Just swing one toddler in each arm, they'll have fun and you'll get a workout.
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    ...Like other posters mentioned, start lifting now, and lift heavy.

    Lift smart, don't worry about heavy. Jumping straight to heavy is risky. Just swing one toddler in each arm, they'll have fun and you'll get a workout.

    I agree. Get your form right first. Jumping right to "heavy" without learning the proper form is a recipe for a painful injury.

    I'm 5'10", 163 lb, 8% bf, 31" waist. You can look lean and very muscular at 155-160 lbs. I lift 3X a week, for about 30 minutes, with cardio on alternating days, and one day off entirely. It doesn't take a lot of work, or hours slaving away at the gym if you do it right, and - very important - get the nutrition right.

    Good luck!