Insanity in progress - 28 day results!

HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
I have been debating whether or not to post my progress as I never really intended to make it a public affair! However I feel utilising the community will help motivate me in succeeding my goals and so feeling extra courageous, I decided to go for it!
I have always been an extremely sporty individual and I was lucky enough to be quite naturally athletic at a young age. After finishing my college years I went off to university were I foolishly didn't persue any sports activities and succumbed to a very sedentary lifestyle; going out and drinking a lot, as well as completely ignoring what I was eating with junk food becoming my staple diet.
As a result, the weight piled on and I gained about 20-25 lbs in a year! I'm only about 5 ft 9, so being relatively small, I chubbed out fast. I was completely ignorant to my weight gain and only became aware when family or friends from home began to point it out! Little things became effort, I hated heavy breathing after a short run or even running up the stairs became a nuisance. I decided I wanted my fitness back and I needed to take it into my own hands ASAP.

I saw an advert for INSANITY online and was extremely skeptical that it was just another overrated HIIT programme that was there to scam me out of my money. However, I felt I was clueless on how to kick start myself and that I had no better ideas and so I coughed up the dorrar and paid out for the programme.

I'm 28 days into this programme and it literally destroyed me in the first workout. I couldn't even walk properly my muscles hurt that much. I love every day and it's actually something I look forward to in my routine even though its incredibly tough. I'm only nearlly half way through and suddenly I have boundless energy to tap into that I never had before! I'm no longer tired throughout the day or dreading committing myself to anything active.

I know it's a shirt period of time to be posting progress photos but here they are half way through the 63 day insanity programme.

This is only the beginning for me as i look to seek out a healthier more active me!

So far I've lost about 13 lbs and I'm hoping to lose about 6-8 more by the end of the programme.

Front before and current



Side before and current



Back before and current



Thanks for reading! I'm very new to this so hope to be able to update soon!


  • AliceSwarthout
    AliceSwarthout Posts: 808 Member
    That's a pretty big difference for less than a month! great work!
  • HarryWB
    HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Alice! Thanks for the response! It's nice to know someone else can see a difference as it is much simpler for me to see subtle changes since I see myself everyday :).
  • MikeVacanti
    MikeVacanti Posts: 4 Member

    Really awesome progress, congrats to you man.
  • MikeVacanti
    MikeVacanti Posts: 4 Member
    Obliques, upper back, arms -- basically everything looking leaner
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Looking so much leaner! Wow in 28 days, pretty impressive, well done :)
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Great progress, your face looks like a different person almost!

    Keep pressing play...
  • HarryWB
    HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
    Cheers mike and blue! Appreciate the comments!
  • Appreciate you posting your progress! Wow I am amazed especially at side and back shots! I am going to have to research Insanity myself I think .
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    great job , always helps to have photos and measurements as we can't always see the changes ourselves in the mirror

    but it's easy when you can look back in time a month or so and see REAL changes

    great stuff and will spur others on too
  • HarryWB
    HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
    @dr2501 defo will continue to be pressing play! Just completing the recovery week and then into the dreaded 2nd month'

    @churchvell06 this is the first time I have ever considered or even attempted a programme from catching an infomercial on tv! It's extremely tough and like everyone I will have days where my body is telling me to stop but I'll carry on and stick through it and feel incredible after!

    @markie completely agree, always pleasing to look back at my before photos. Unfortunately I didn't take measurements when I initially started but definitely something I'm going to get round to doing tonight.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    You look way younger!! Great job friend!
  • Julieelliott12
    Julieelliott12 Posts: 68 Member
    That's some awesome motivation right there!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Awesome progress.
    Thanks for sharing your successes!
  • HarryWB
    HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks a lot for your replies! Will try keep this updated but it may not be for another month yet ;) Really motivating for myself to get these messages and inspires me to help out a little more with the MFP community.
  • HarryWB
    HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
    I realise that there's been a long time between my original post and me posting now - but I couldn't help but try fish this out and update it slightly.

    So here it is as briefly as possible.

    I went down to 74kg (163 lbs) in the peak of it all when I first started (2-3 months after the original post) - I was originally about 92kg (202 lbs).

    I definitely haven't been consistent in my approach to a healthier lifestyle. But I have never let myself slip and I always try to get back on it when I feel like I have started to flip back to my old self. It became incredibly tricky as I went into my last year of University and my focus slipped as I turned my attention to studying (a balance I found difficult)

    Because of this I put on a lot of the weight I lost and I was devastated at how quickly it was for me to fall back into old habits - I gained 6-8kg (15-20) lbs.

    It's been a year of on and off eating well / exercising and I've left University after graduating. I have a job (I thought Uni was time consuming). One thing I've noticed amongst it all is the state of my mentality. It's natural to feel a lull at things when you fall back to not really monitoring your eating and exercising but I was surprised at just how much worse I felt when I let everything slip.

    Anyway, i'll cut to the chase. I've started things again. Maybe a tad slower as to not burn myself out as quickly. But i'm back into the swing of things and feeling great again.

    Here are a few pictures of me at the start and now.




    I'm really sorry about the size of the images - I wanted to make them a bit smaller so to not take up so much space but failed.

    I'm back at around 74-75kg (163 lbs) mark. And i'm looking forward to reaching my target weight of 70kg - this somewhere I would feel comfortable before I start changing things up and focusing on lifting and resistance work to try it out (instead of so much ****ing Cardio xD).

    I'm laughing to myself that I'm posting about this after nearly a year and half has passed but hopefully I can carry on and not crash like last time.

    best wishes to all, I hope you're all finding your way through the same arduous tasks that I've had to put myself through (exhilarating even so :smile: ) or perhaps you're already inches from grasping your target.

    I hope you well on your journeys everyone.

    Thanks for reading,

  • Koreenxp
    Koreenxp Posts: 1 Member
    Amazing it's great to see your progress today! I was wondering as I was reading this post how you looked now. This is inspiring, thank you.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    Fantastic! We all slip. My profile pic was me at my lowest. I look like the chunky woman on the left again now, but I'm fighting to get back to the fit chick on the right. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • HarryWB
    HarryWB Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks to you both, it's great to get the support! Jo, you look amazing in both but absolutely incredible in your right photo!
    Sometimes the smallest decline can feel so much bigger just because of how far you know you've come. You will be back there in no time! Thanks again. :)
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