Runkeeper went haywire this morning

malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
I take a 30-minute walk through the park in town as fast as I can, then walk back to the start. At the 30-minute mark Runkeeper said I had done 1.7 miles, which was amazing as the longest I'd done before was 1.56. I walked back the same way, and when I stopped...3.57 miles? The map was out of control when I finally looked at it. It was a new section of the park I was walking through, so I'm wondering if the cell reception was just really spotty in the area. Fitbit said I had done 3.15 miles for the day so far, so I'm assuming 3.1 was about my total mileage.


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I really like the RunKeeper app but there are days when it just acts wonky like this. I know for sure I don't swim across lakes when I run there were a couple days last month when it said that I did. Some phones have better GPS hardware than others and some days you just have odd things happen. Overall I think it's a great app if you don't mind the occasional hiccup. You can edit the path you took on the pc to get a better idea of what you did if you like.
  • va_n_ok
    va_n_ok Posts: 8 Member
    I can't get my runkeeper and mfp to show each other's info. I go into each account both online and in the apps and they both say they are connected, but neither is showing the others info ( like my run and calories from rk to mfp). any advice? Thanks!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    There are a few things it might be, and less likely to be RK related as your phones GPS. It wouldn't be mobile reception as RK traces position from the onboard GPS. That said, some phones corroborate GPS with mast triangulation but inconsistent position is more related to the GPS signal.

    The GPS signal is in the microwave range, so it's sensitive to moisture in the air, which can absorb the signal. High humidity, heavy rain or tree cover can all interfere with the signal and as the strength reduces the accuracy of the receiver is affected. Phones are a compromise so their GPS receiver isn't as sensitive as a dedicated set.