My resting heart rate is 48 bpm, but I'm not an "athlete"

I've been working out about everyday for a month so far, and I tracked my heart rate for resting, laying in bed about to go to the gym, and I'm about 48bpm. I weigh about 211.. I feel fine, nothing weird. My RHR used to be about 62bpm, but now it's lower. Is that a good thing?


  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    As I increased cardiovascular excercise my RHR dropped and at a routine check they said thats perfectly fine.

    Option 1 - you measured your RHR wrong

    Option 2 - you are blessed with a strong, healthy heart - maybe for genetic reasons - which is great, although 48bpm actually is quite low

    Option 3 - the moment you measured it your heart decided to take it easy for a couple beats, who knows...

    Option 4 - something is wrong and you should see a doctor, maybe you are short of breath at times or tend to feel tired often?!
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    Good thing? Probably.

    You've probably got a good heart. If your out of shape resting rate was 62, I'm voting on that ;) . Don't expect it to get much lower though.

    Low RHR can be either bad or nothing at all. If "you" are athletic, a RHR in the 30-40s is nothing. Especially when "your" max is in the 180s, and "you" can get it there. If "you" aren't, a RHR in the 30-40s could be bad. Especially when "you" feel like your going to faint going up a flight of stairs.

    I had my appendix removed 2 years ago. I ran a 20:45 5k with appendicitis (very minor). When I woke up from surgery, my HR was ~32. Naturally, the nurses kept a good eye on it, I was in a hospital after all, but it was nothing.