Looking for more Friends and Support

Hello! My name is Tammy, and I've been a MFP user for almost one year now. Since starting, I lost approximately 30 lbs. (14 kg.). My goal weight is 115 lbs. (52 kg.) and I am currently 129-130 lbs. (59 kg.). My current BMI is approximately 24.5. After months and months of hard work, it feels great to finally hit that healthy weight zone, even just barely.

I'm looking for friends that are around 18-25 (give or take a couple years) that have open diaries, log often, and are not constantly going under their calorie goal. When I started, I swore by 1200 calories a day (or less!), and I admit, I lost weight but it came with a price. I was unhappy, starving, and constantly low on energy. I've been seeing my university's nutritionist for advice, but since I'm currently out of school for the summer, I won't be able to see her until the fall. Recently, I've been trying to eat better, and include exercise in my everyday life. I'd really like friends that are dedicated to losing weight in healthy ways, are positive, and willing to give me advice on my diet. My diary is open to friends.

Note: I try to vary my diet as much as I can, but almost consider that I'm a college student living by herself with limited money for groceries.

Also, if anyone is interested in cosplay, please friend me! I'm secretly a huge anime nerd (amongst other things), and I've always wanted to cosplay at a convention. It would really motivate me if I could find some people that have the same hobbies.

Thanks for reading!
Also if possible, send a message with your friend request. I'd be more likely to accept if you did. It also helps if you have profile pictures of yourself available.


  • sarahcoughin
    Ahhhh another secret nerd?!

    My friend and I are actually getting in the best shape we can so that we can cosplay next year at e3

    I'm 18 and just started yesterday and ive been logging as much as possible :) if you're interested message me or I could message you.
  • Barbarella44
    Barbarella44 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi MFP users! I am currently looking for support with my weight loss goals to keep myself motivated. If you fit the profile feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Im also Tammy, what a fab name im 29 hope im not too old omg I feel so old lol well open diary and im here to get my body back almost there feel free to add me
  • tamwins
    tamwins Posts: 22
    Aha, that's so funny! I don't know a lot of Tammys so this is exciting. Yeah, I'll definitely add you.
  • alioopwontonsoup
    alioopwontonsoup Posts: 17 Member
    Haha I don't cosplay, but I've always seriously admired the amount of effort put into the outfits. I also secretly enjoy anime though!

    My name's Alison and I'm 19! I'm new here, but my diary's totally open and I've been doing some research to try and get this weight loss thing off the ground. I'll send you a message; it's nice to meet you! (:
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log daily now since to stay on track of my weight loss goal of additional 10-15lbs. Also getting shape for a fitness competition next year. I'm always changing my eating habits to see what works best for me.
  • tamwins
    tamwins Posts: 22
    Thanks for the friend requests, this is awesome!