How long do I need to push for any results??

Okay. I'm 5'7" & 205lbs. I've always been this size in my adult life (give or take 10lbs) - but I'm one of those people that genuinely doesnt look what I weigh because carry a lot of weight in my muscles. I also have scleroderma which makes my skin tighter than average. I'm a size 16 in womens...

I've always wanted to weigh between 150-170 (which I believe would be the lowest healthy weight I could reach based on my frame.)

About a month ago I began biking 4-5x/week & just this week I've begun keeping track of calories burned/calories consumed with MFP's app.

I'm definitely noticing visible changes in my leg muscles. With the exception of a few times, I generally stick to just below my calorie goals for the day - which, depending on the exercise I do, can be anywhere from 1200 - 2000 calories (for example - last saturday I biked 34 miles in one day, so that caused me to eat significantly more than normal just to keep my energy up).

Long story short, I'm wondering about how long will the wait be before I can start noticing a general fat loss on the scale - I understand I'll have some weight increases because of my muscles becoming stronger - which is why I'm assuming I havent seen any movement on the scale for the last four weeks. I really, really dont want to become discouraged here and I also really want to see some movement on the scale.

What should I plan for?


  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    You wont notice fat loss on a scale before I noticed lbs lost I noticed clothes felt better. the weight will fall off soon enough if you eat at deficit good luck on your journey, your body shape sounds great I looked 4 months pregnant at 170lbs
  • kmat6075
    kmat6075 Posts: 3
    Thanks. It's always kinda messed with my head though.. cause I mean, I weigh over 200lbs.. but I definitely don't look it. So doctors always classify me as morbidly obese, the BMI chart does too, etc. I did once get to 170 and LOVED the way I looked (I was a size 12 pants, size M shirt, it was great) but I only got there by intense calorie counting at about 500 calories/day. I know that was unhealthy - but I was desperate. I had gotten to my highest weight of about 225lbs prior to that... which caused the desperation dieting.

    Obviously that didnt work too well, as I gained 30lbs back. I've been trying to have consistent deficits most days based on the MFP App, and I havent been starving (or "dieting". I'm eating what I want as long as I stick to my goal. I wasted so much energy on dieting last year that I cant even approach that line of thinking anymore) or doing extreme deprivation from anything except soda/general junk food like chips/cookies unless I'm having a mean craving (maybe twice a month?).

    I've been primarily using the Endomondo App for my calorie burn estimate as I understand MFP's app tends to overestimate.

    Is 1200calories/day with no exercise a good goal? Is it too high/too low? I set my activity level to sedentary as there are some days I cannot exercise.. but on a week day my calorie burn from exercise is 450-500, and on the weekends I tend to fluxuate from 900-1700 calories burned on saturday & sunday. So, on those days my calorie intake increases just so I dont collapse, but I still try and stay in a deficit. Am I on the right track?
  • ittybittykittyy
    ittybittykittyy Posts: 20 Member
    1200 is pretty low. Even for a "no activity" kind of day. You can try it out, but if you are still hungry definitely allow yourself more calories. It can stall weight loss if you eat too little in the way of calories. Slows your metabolism down because your body thinks you are starving. I'd suggest checking out the iifym calculator ( ) as it will tell you how much you should eat everyday, regardless of activity or not - it takes that and your goals all into account to provide you with a number to aim for (as well as macros to aim for).
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    If you are following MFP you are SUPPOSED to eat back your exercise calories (at least half). Not doing so could impact your performance and your general health. 1200 calories is a NET, not a gross. I NET 1200 while eating 2000-2400+/day.

    With 40lbs to lose you are better to set MFP to 1lb/week (not 2) and eat back some of your calories. "Starving" is not the best indicator of hunger when you have previously been on a VLCD. Not eating enough for a prolonged period messes with your body's signals so saying you 'aren't hungry' does not mean that your getting enough nutrients.

    If you have just started excising or changed your type of excise you will likely see an increase on the scale due to water/glycogen. Eventually that will even out again but it takes a while.

    Good reads:
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Is 1200calories/day with no exercise a good goal? Is it too high/too low? I set my activity level to sedentary as there are some days I cannot exercise.. but on a week day my calorie burn from exercise is 450-500, and on the weekends I tend to fluxuate from 900-1700 calories burned on saturday & sunday. So, on those days my calorie intake increases just so I dont collapse, but I still try and stay in a deficit. Am I on the right track?

    Are you on the right track? Yes and no.

    I am 5'9 and am coming in at around 250lbs, so I know I am still big but I started at 320lbs just over 2 years ago and I have been able to keep that weight off for a year and a bit. I have also gained muscle weight, so my inches and body compostion have changed much more than just the scale. Anyways, at those levels my BMR is 2,000 - meaning I burn that many calories per day just by existing (approx - I know there will be others on here who will correct me, but this is just general).

    If you eat 1,200 calories from Monday - Friday, week in and week out and then jump from that to 2,000 or 2,500 (I am just guessing on what you'd eat to sustain after burning up to 1,700 calories in exercise) isn't that yo yo dieting too? Bodies react best to consistency in food - yes, at first you will be essentially shocking your body and may see a huge drop at the beginning, but then you begin to even out, or plateau. Making that big of a change every week may hinder long term. I am not saying don't eat or don't treat yourself, I am just saying maybe find a way to make it more consistent.

    Bottom line, you need to be a deficit yes to lose weight but maybe just more consistent instead of spiking here and there. However, when it comes to exercise - shock the heck out of your body!!! Change it up, because doing the same routine Mon Wed Fri your body will get used to it and then you will really plateau.

    I am a heavy lifter so my goals may be different than yours and I am taller with more weight to lose - ultimately I would like to see 200lbs - but from my experience, being consistent with diet is KEY because approx 80% of your results will come from what you put in your mouth. I don't always look like I weigh 250lbs (depends on the day and I am really sensitive to sodium intake) but I do and I am ok with it - it's not the end goal but it's a far cry from 320lbs.

    Keep it up girl!!!
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    Everyone else had good things to say, so I won't repeat, except for the part where you said you ate 500 calories a day then gained it all back. You should never continuously eat 500 calories a day, because if your body thinks your starving, your metabolism will slow down a LOT. And that will make everything more complicated. Losing weight a healthy way is the best way. Its a slow process, but you can do it :)
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    I like the last post over mine..tarcotti (?) (at least when I started typing) If you eat too little you run the risk of developing an eating disorder....I know I did. Pain in the neck to shake...I say that lightly, but I really had a serious battle on my hands. I finally discovered I didn't binge if I ate enough. Don't want to tell you how much that cost in therapy before that light bulb went on. If you google it, you can find a couple free calorie calculators on line in addition to MFP and honestly, they all seem to agree. So, yes, eat all your allotted calories. Make sure you are eating good calories though and not junk. Occasionally, you can come in under, just like sometimes you can come in over, but if you eat too little for too long it will never feel like a life stye change food wise, but a horrible grind you can't wait to get off.And, that is where the trouble begins... Take Care. BTW, biking 43 miles in one day is impressive!
  • McGristy
    McGristy Posts: 61 Member
    Wow OP, you and I sound like physical twins. You are about an inch taller than me but reading your post it all felt so familiar. Im 5'6" and weigh 205lbs. Most people would guess I weighed much less but being this heavy isnt something thats comfortable for me in any way, since most of it I carry in my tummy.. Ive been eating at a deficit of around 1700-1800 cals a day, and like you eating what I wish as long as it fits in with my goals. Well, im avoiding junk too except for the occasional treat, no soda etc.. Ive also been doing cardio and weight training 4 days a week. The scale hasnt budged. It makes me feel like giving up. Its awful. Im not gonna this time though! I lowered my cals to what MFP recommended, loke 1350. That feels really low to me but I'll give it a couple weeks and then reevaluate. Hang in there! My goals are the same as yours so we can be in this together!!! ;-)
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Ive been eating at a deficit of around 1700-1800 cals a day

    I'm not judging because I'm not perfect but I am curious because I've been working on myself for a while now and how do you eat a deficit of 1,700 calories/day?

    Is it rigourous exercise? Exercise and have a low net calories? I just don't know how that's possible - a deficit of 500, 800 yes but almost 3 times that is a lot!

    Or did you mean you had done this and it ended up not working for you?
  • kmat6075
    kmat6075 Posts: 3
    Wow OP, you and I sound like physical twins. You are about an inch taller than me but reading your post it all felt so familiar. Im 5'6" and weigh 205lbs. Most people would guess I weighed much less but being this heavy isnt something thats comfortable for me in any way, since most of it I carry in my tummy.. Ive been eating at a deficit of around 1700-1800 cals a day, and like you eating what I wish as long as it fits in with my goals. Well, im avoiding junk too except for the occasional treat, no soda etc.. Ive also been doing cardio and weight training 4 days a week. The scale hasnt budged. It makes me feel like giving up. Its awful. Im not gonna this time though! I lowered my cals to what MFP recommended, loke 1350. That feels really low to me but I'll give it a couple weeks and then reevaluate. Hang in there! My goals are the same as yours so we can be in this together!!! ;-)


    I've been really trying to get in better shape and generally just fit better in clothes. I want to know if I can get down to 150 and thats what I will aim for but given how small I was to my frame at 170, i dont know how close I'll get.

    I just remember reading/hearing so many things about how biking is a really great way to get fit - because you can use it for transport & thus it does not feel like exercising. I get really self-conscious about people seeing me exercise, so this solves that problem (before they can get a good look at me I bike away!)

    the 500cal/day definitely caused binging for me. It didnt at first ( kept the weight off for a good five months) but as soon as the cold weather hit last fall, and some things started going awry in my personal life (thus, depression) the scale started creeping up really fast.

    Ideally I could trade out driving for biking in as many instances as possible! Its just so easy for me to get discouraged... I've always been the "fat girl" to people in school... but now i feel as if thats more in my own head as opposed to what people see when they look at me.

    I dunno. I'm just hoping this starts to go somewhere.
  • McGristy
    McGristy Posts: 61 Member
    Ive been eating at a deficit of around 1700-1800 cals a day

    I'm not judging because I'm not perfect but I am curious because I've been working on myself for a while now and how do you eat a deficit of 1,700 calories/day?

    Is it rigourous exercise? Exercise and have a low net calories? I just don't know how that's possible - a deficit of 500, 800 yes but almost 3 times that is a lot!

    Or did you mean you had done this and it ended up not working for you?

    I guess I meant ive been eating about 1700-1800 cals a day, or a deficit of about 500-600 cals.
  • Chillyfrog
    Chillyfrog Posts: 207 Member
    Hey there,
    Just wanted to say hi to a fellow Scleroderma victim, lol, and wanted to see how you are doing on your weight loss? Since my Sclero has become really active (systemic sclero) I gained weight (30lbs) the past couple of years, even with going on a pretty strict low FODMAP diet. It's helps with the gastro problems, but hasn't seemed to with the weight issue. It just doesn't seem to go anywhere. I got frustrated and have been pretty inactive on here for a few months, but decided I can't take it any more and need to start back up with the exercising. The sclero wears me out (especially this summer) and exercise does even more, but I'm determined to push through it. I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday, so we'll see how that goes, hahah. Hope you're doing well.