Yummy Sandwich!

littlekimmyishy Posts: 34 Member
A sandiwch that I love to make, and am having EVERYday this week for lunch is this!

Whole wheat bread, two slices ( for a full lunch!)
a little bit of ranch dressing
Baby spinach
cucumber slices
tomato slices
thinly sliced turkey
and avacado!

it is delicious, isn't too unhealthy, and makes sure you are getting your veggies in a fun and yummy way!

I like to have a fruit smoothie of some sort (my choices are limited to the bottled odwallas right now until i get some frozen fruit in the house!). It is really filling and you don't have to feel bad about eating it!

ive been pairing that with a luna bar and a bottle of water for breakfast, and have felt great the past few days!


  • littlekimmyishy
    littlekimmyishy Posts: 34 Member
    A sandiwch that I love to make, and am having EVERYday this week for lunch is this!

    Whole wheat bread, two slices ( for a full lunch!)
    a little bit of ranch dressing
    Baby spinach
    cucumber slices
    tomato slices
    thinly sliced turkey
    and avacado!

    it is delicious, isn't too unhealthy, and makes sure you are getting your veggies in a fun and yummy way!

    I like to have a fruit smoothie of some sort (my choices are limited to the bottled odwallas right now until i get some frozen fruit in the house!). It is really filling and you don't have to feel bad about eating it!

    ive been pairing that with a luna bar and a bottle of water for breakfast, and have felt great the past few days!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I never thought of adding avocadoes in my sammich!
    Can't wait to try it!
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