New Girl! Help!

My name is Madison and I am looking for a support system. I have always been overweight and I have tried weight watchers and other diets before, but never really had the support and ended up only lasting a couple months at best. I am now step mom to a full time daughter rather than a part time daughter (10) and I am starting law school in 2 months!! I need to drop the pounds, get in shape and get my energy back. The older I get, the less energy I have so with my extra weight I am only inhibiting myself. I need some sort of accountability. Right now it's summer vacation so I have a goal of getting up early to walk on the treadmill ( I have never been in shape so no body memory, must start slow with walking), eat breakfast (which I routinely skip) and get some stuff done before my daughter wakes up. However, I cannot get up in the morning. The earliest I can go to bed is 11pm because that's when my fiance leaves for work. Any suggestions, tips, etc would be very welcome. I have also never used this site before so any tips on that would be great! I also am on a strict budget for food and still need to please my fiance and daugher, can't feed her diet food lol, any recipe tweaks or snack tips are great. THank you and I have no idea what I am doing!!!


  • 3293kitkat
    3293kitkat Posts: 22
    That's why we are here... to help encourage you and motivate you. Welcome! Good luck in law school (:
  • Jenna3040
    Jenna3040 Posts: 4
    Hi Madison! I am not new to this site but i am new at starting over with using it again. I had used it in the past for about a year and had wonderful support and success and now 2 years later back where i had started and ready to make a full commitment again and lose the weight once and for all!!!