I'm new here, seeking supportive friends ^_^

Hello everyone, I'm Ashley. I'm relatively new. I've been using this app since January, but never ventured to the community. Just a bit about me. I'm a 22 yr old Civil and Architectural Engineering student with a structural concentration. I have a CRAZY hectic schedule so I make my lunch and dinner for the week during the weekend and cook breakfast in the mornings. I go to a year-round university so no summer break! I plan to take advantage of the beautiful weather and start working out again! Doctors orders I need to lower my carb intake because I may be pre-diabetic, therefore I've been doing a low-carb diet since march. Doctor never said I needed to lose weight, but I've wanted to for so long anyways so it was no time like the present. I hope to meet some cool people here with similar goals! :smile: