The People Who Notice What You Eat



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I always feel like people are judging what I eat. It's something that I'm working on because I know that people don't really care (or at least that's what I'm telling myself).
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I notice what people are putting on the belt at stores.

    It's mostly garbage, and then I feel better about my own selections, which are overwhelmingly fruits and veg.

    One guy had an entire cart full of microwave meals and a few cases of soda. I had a moment of sads for him.

    Though I wonder, sometimes, what the checker is thinking when they see a heavier chick (aka me) with 'good', healthy food.

    I'm sure it's not always a positive thing, but I'm not the type to dwell.

    Though one time I bought a book, a bottle of wine and a pack of batteries, all -UNRELATED- to one another. (The book was mine, the wine was for a wedding shower I was going to, and the batteries for my wireless mouse at work)

    I realized suddenly, that it looked like a date night for one, I met the cashiers eyes, and we both looked away awkwardly.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'll go one further. I have a co-worker who was told by a physician that he needs to lose 20 lbs. At least once a week, he will comment on the large amount of food that I eat at lunch. It is my largest meal of the day, admittedly, but he will comment on the "tower" of food I get. Now I have lost almost 50 lbs. I have been at this for years finding a way to modify my lifestyle so it is sustainable for the rest of my life. You would think instead of making fun of what I eat, he might want to ask a little bit since he has been instructed to drop weight.

    THEN he will piss an moan that he's not losing weight when he doesn't do a speck of exercise, and when he tries to "diet" he cuts everything out only to "fall off" his diet and revert back to his old eating habits. THEN he will look at me and shake his head saying "I don't know how you do it" like I am using magic and it's something he cannot do.

    The man just irritates me all over the place.
  • emmaalyssaa
    emmaalyssaa Posts: 35 Member
    I once had a girl at work say to me "Do you really keep all that down?" (I eat massive lunches. :happy: )

    To me, it sounded like she was implying I had an ED. I told her I lifted weights like a boy and if she started to as well she could get rid of her little, tasteless, microwave diet lunches and eat real food, too.

    That's horrible, especially since having an ED is such a big subject. But hey - go you! Congrats on the 100lb loss!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i think my dinnermates last weekend were trying not to look as i demolished an entire order of yu shan beef. before they had gotten through half of theirs.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    Last time I noticed someone staring at me in a restaurant I made sure to lock eye contact with him, then stuck my finger up my nose. Kinda gross but idgaf. He apparently wanted something to look at so I made it more interesting. Whenever I notice someone staring I make eye contact and keep it. Typically they either look away or we both end up laughing. As for comments, if they're being intentionally rude I say mind your business. If its just a conversation piece I respond accordingly.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I typically don't notice what other people eat.

    But when I was obese I was very, very self conscious about any situation where food was available for multiple servings. Like buffets, cookouts, etc. I didn't feel uncomfortable getting the initial plate, but if I wanted seconds (or more) on anything I became super, duper self conscious. I don't know if anyone ever really noticed, but I felt like they did in my mind. It's terrible, to be so mindful of what other people think, or potentially even might think, about what you eat.

    Interestingly enough, the only time I recall anybody making a comment about my eating was after I'd lost weight and wasn't fat anymore.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member

    Though one time I bought a book, a bottle of wine and a pack of batteries, all -UNRELATED- to one another. (The book was mine, the wine was for a wedding shower I was going to, and the batteries for my wireless mouse at work)

    I realized suddenly, that it looked like a date night for one, I met the cashiers eyes, and we both looked away awkwardly.

    LOL! Made me titter! Ta! :laugh:
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    This thread reminds me of something i've noticed over the last 25 years: ever notice that people no longer mind their own business? Used to be you wouldn't get smart comments from folks about what you were eating and such but now they all think it's their business. Actually it's that way about all sorts of personal choices, it's like the want to rule over you.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    My best friend and I used to be pig out partners in crime. Cooking up big dinners and wolfing them down, eating out at restaurants and getting a "naughty" meal....

    It kinda sounds dumb now, but it was really fun and bonding. Now when we hang out I eat small portions, and don't order food that I don't feel is worth it calorically.

    So yeah, she notices my food now. But whatever, I am choosing something different for myself now, and since I'm nearly 50 lbs down, and at goal weight, I'm ok with that.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    When I'm in a long line at the grocery store and get bored, I scout out other peoples groceries. Most the time I'm thinking mmmm... that Captain Crunch cereal looks good, and that ice cream, and those chips, and that pizza, etc.....

    I hate it when people stare in my grocery cart.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Since I've been losing I've been way more open about my general interest in food and am more likely to comment on other people's lunches (though more that looks good, than are you going to eat all that, admittedly). People have always commented on my lunches, but more because I'm more likely than most to take some time preparing something at work. And I always look in peoples trolleys.

    Recently I was staying in a hotel with work and went to the restaurant on my own. The barman chatted to me all night, and recommended a kind of 'build your own' salad on their menu where you choose however many items from each category. I just thought great, I've got to a point where someone thinks I'm the kind of person who would enjoy a salad for dinner! And in case you're interested, I had it, it was colourful and delicious!
  • CWonder003
    CWonder003 Posts: 29 Member
    People always notice what I eat because I eat a lot for a tiny person (tiny, as in very, very short). I get a lot of "Wow, you must be hungry!" comments, and I regularly indulge in chocolate or a pastry at work as a snack ,which gets comments as well. "More chocolate?!", "You really have a sweet tooth, huh?"

    What people don't realize is that I don't drink my calories... so that I CAN have sweets when I want them. Most people I work with down a couple sodas a day and/or a large coffee with cream, sweeteners, and even whipped cream. I also rarely have fast food, and if I do I never get a combo, just a sandwich because fries have so many calories.

    Add in to all this the fact that I'm short and trying to lose a little extra weight I've gained over the past few year, and for some reason taller women get personally offended by the fact that I watch my diet because I'm already "small" and wear a size 2-4. Then, they get even more offended when I eat something "bad" or eat a larger portion than they think a short person should need. I have been shamed before by taller friends who are dieting because I when we are at lunch I eat more than they do.

    I'm so sick of ignorant people commenting on how much I eat, when in reality they are still consuming WAY more calories than I do in the form of constant snacking or sugary drinks. It sucks because people get it into their heads that I'm just "naturally thin" and can eat whatever I want without gaining weight, neither of which is true... and then they think they have the right to make sarcastic comments about my body and diet.

    I'm often told that one day I will get fat, once my metabolism slows down, and "must be nice to eat pizza and still lose weight'. My metabolism HAS slowed down. If I don't watch calories and workout, I gain weight right away. I am not even "thin" for my height. I have love handles, a jiggly belly, and back rolls.... yes, even at a size 4! A size 4 on me is not proportionally the same as a size 4 on a taller woman. I'm 4'11".
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    The only time I notice what other people eat is when they have something I want.

    me too :indifferent:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I really would prefer that people mind their own business. No one has manners any more! I would never comment on others' food regardless of what I think.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This thread reminds me of something i've noticed over the last 25 years: ever notice that people no longer mind their own business? Used to be you wouldn't get smart comments from folks about what you were eating and such but now they all think it's their business. Actually it's that way about all sorts of personal choices, it's like the want to rule over you.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The only time I notice what other people eat is when they have something I want.

    So true.

    But people always comment on what I'm eating and say I'm lying about what I eat because I'm thin. They can go to hell.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm generally a good orderer of food. I love food.

    So when people notice what I eat I guess I get a little smug.

    Really I don't give a rats patootie what people think of what I put in my mouth.
  • bcfxl71
    bcfxl71 Posts: 2
    I get really bothered by someone calling me out on food choices. I cannot honestly tell if it is meant to be helpful or hurtful I KNOW IT DOESN'T HELP.

    I will avoid someone who does it in the future.

    Then I kick myself for being controlled by someone else's actions.

    Basically the only thing that helps me is positive reinforcement for when I eat properly, exercise and get adequate rest.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I get people commenting on my lunches at work a lot. I eat real portions, I put it on a plate vs. eat out of tupperware, I don't just throw a bunch of stuff in a bowl and call it done. People gasp at the amount of food, then get tetchy when I tell them the calorie count in my lunch of "HUGE" vs their sandwich or salad loaded in condiments.