Help me

Hey people, i need some motivation because i over eat and dont care about it. But when i care, i dont find a use to log in to mfp and not logging in makes me eat alot more. Can someone please tell me ways i can stay motivated


  • joleanrook
    The only thing that can motivate you to eat right and get in shape is an absolute desire to do so. You say you overeat and just don't care.... well, maybe you just don't hate your current weight enough. I know when I started feeling "heavy" I hated it, despised it, loathed it, couldn't stand it. It was my desire not to be that weight that motivated me.

    Nobody and No one can make you decide to do this. YOU have to choose to do it.
    It takes (on average) 30 days to break a habit (28 if you don't have any set backs), if you want to use MFP to succeed at weightloss you need to COMMIT to logging in for 30 days and being under your calorie goal every day those 30 days... at the end of that month you will have lost weight and developed better eating habits.

    I could give you the placebo advice of "Go buy a pair of skinny jeans and hang them where you can see them, imagine how good it will feel to wear them" or "look at pics of your favorite thin celebrities", but I'm not going to. The honest, sometimes painful truth is, YOU HAVE TO DECIDE TO DO THIS FOR YOURSELF. If you can't make that decision, you don't want it bad enough... yet.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    What motivates me is reading all about healthy eating, exercising, etc.
    I even subscribed to a few magazines like fitness and oxygen, so I always have something motivational to read. (even if I don't do all the exercise)
    I started a scrapbook of magazine clippings that include health tips, exercise tips, food tips, and I also cut out photographs of clothes I would like to wear at some point. Browsing through my scrapbook helps me keep motivated as well.
    And of course, logging my calories daily and seeing the ticker moving is motivational as well.
    Good luck.
    You seem to be doing great most of the time!
    I also try not to worry about the occasionaly binges, I just start over the next day, but I make sure I log it all!
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    Changing your lifestyle with regards to eating is just like stopping smoking or drinking. Noone can make you, you can't be scared into it, you can't go to a hypnotist/acupuncturist/doctor and have them do it for you.
    You have to make the conscious decision that you want to change. Keep reminding yourself that food isn't a treat, it's not going to give you magical energy when you are tired, it's not going to give you comfort when you are low.
    You can do this, but it has to come from you.

    Best of luck
