Free Cake At Work



  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    I work as a nurse at a hospital...there is always free cake or doughnuts or candy or cookies or something! It is tough. I usually don't partake (anymore) but the other day I did let myself have one bite of cake. Probably won't do that again...seemed like it led to a whole weekend of letting myself give in. I do let myself have one "treat" a week and usually I want it to be something good so I am very picky.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Is it good cake? Like, did some French chef come in and whip it up by hand and them flame torched a little creme brulee to go with it? If so, face plant into that cake! (Or, you know, have a small, reasonable slice.)
    Or is it some dry, grocery store cake or a "homemade" cake that someone made from a box that is most likely dry and cardboard-ish with icing that tastes sickeningly sweet because it came out of a plastic tub? If that is the case, don't waste your calories and stick to your carrots!

    Yep. This is TRUTH.

    dang what kind of cake are ya'll eating? I often like grocery store cakes and "homemade" cakes that came from a box, I don't think I've ever had a dry cardboard one. And I love frosting from a can.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Man, I work in the wrong place....we don't get any kind of free food :sad:
  • peacheslcg
    peacheslcg Posts: 41 Member
    It's impossible to choose between wine and cake! I do think carrots dipped in say Riesling is good though. My office is always filled with food. There is even an M&M dispenser. I am guilty of baking at home and bringing it in. That way, I get the baking bug out of my system and bring it in so I don't have to eat it all at home. I try to bake healthy-ish stuff, but the winner is always the Chocolate Stout and Ginger Cake. It has a cream cheese frosting and is just sinful. Only do that about once a year though.
  • jtmh2012
    jtmh2012 Posts: 32 Member
    I've been told there's cake over in the break room. So far I've been avoiding it. :(