
I have searched on here and other places and all that seems to come up are arguments about it does/doesn't cause weight gain.

Anyway I've been started on the above today, I only just stick to my 1600 most days (I love my food), losing around 1lb a week so I'm happy. However I feel if I find weight loss harder or I gain whilst in a deficit (technically impossible) it's not going to do my mental health much good and as such detract from the reasons I was given this drug in the first place.

My belief was when a drug listed a side effect of "weight gain" it often meant "increased appetite" meaning you're more likely to eat and it's still going to be CICO to lose weight. the No1 side effect of this drug is "increased appetite".

Yet I've seen people mention the body functioning different but cannot find specific scientific fact to this extent. I'd understand if it caused ridiculous/prolonged water retention or a change in thyroid/metabolism but it doesn't mention that.

So I guess my question is any truth in the words of the people who say they cannot lose on a deficit due to this drug? Or are they succumbing to the effect of "increased appetite"?

I think I know the answer but I like to be informed or pointed to facts/explanations I suppose :)


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Your logic is correct. But consider that in some people the carb and sugar cravings induced by Remeron are intense.

    Scientists working for the drug companies are not looking very hard for what causes weight gain in anti-depressats. This non scientific site somewhat describes what is known about Remeron gain.

  • captainanimal
    captainanimal Posts: 2 Member
    Firstly, try not to do too much research on the Internet about medication you're taking or symptoms you're experiencing. It'll only fuel anxiety!

    Secondly, I was on 45mg of Mirtazapine for about 6 months, introduced Citalopram and then weaned off the Mirtazapine.


    It stopped me acting on my plans to commit suicide.
    It relieved my anxiety and depression enough that I was able to attend therapy (which worked).


    Intense sugar cravings, which I acted on and gained 7 stone.
    When I finally fell asleep at night I was out for the count and found it very difficult to wake up the next day.

    The best advice I can give you is to speak to whoever prescribed the drug about your concerns. The pros far outweighed the cons for me. I'm still alive for one thing! Finally, the cravings for me were just that, cravings. I wasn't feeling hungry, I was just getting overwhelming cravings that I didn't have the strength to fight. If you're eating a healthy diet and getting some moderate exercise I'm sure you'll be fine.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I took remeron for a month and put on 10 pounds. It wasn't that I couldn't lose the weight it just stimulated appetite so badly that I was eating like crazy....I'd get up in the middle of the night and raid the fridge. Worked well for what it was supposed to do I guess but I got off it fast since I couldn't control eating. Lack of willpower I guess, but not the drug for me.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks for the responses.

    I have a review after a month so if I find that I have problems with it affecting my willpower then I'll tell my GP and ask for an alternative.

    I will have to hope for now I'm not one of those who is affected by it in that way because battling with my weight is one of the problems that leads to my depression/anxiety in the first place...