Any vegetarians out there?

Hi, I am curious as to the ins and out of eating a vegetarian it truly beneficial or just because you prefer that type of lifestyle? Can someone offer any tips or suggestions for beginner?


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I was lacto ovo vegetarian for years at one time. Best advice I can offer based on my mistakes is: Eat your foods in the most natural forms possible. All that Boca and Morningstar stuff is tasty and convenient, but it's not as good as fruits and veggies. And just because potato chips don't have faces, doesn't mean you should eat bags of them.

    Just went vegan a week ago. No advice on that one, because I'm definitely still learning.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Vegetarian since 1995! Yes that means no fish or chicken. In the beginning it was for animal rights but now it's more of a ick thing.
  • Trust2400
    Trust2400 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been veg since 2008ish, and went vegan in 2011. I agree with Meerata. Processed soy is in everything and makes going veg easy, but it is really bad for you. Just google, "Is processed soy..." and google will auto populate the rest; none of it will be good. I think as far as the difficulty is concerns, it is really dependent on the person. For some people, it is easy and a natural movement. For others, not so much. Not everyone is made to be a vegetarian/vegan.