

    JLYNNFL01 Posts: 20 Member
    Please include Name (if you don't feel comfortable, just your screen name), current weight, team color & two of the following three choices: 1 thing you struggled with this week (can be anything that is anyway related to your success here on MFP), 1 thing you a grateful for in your life, and 1 tip (something you do that helps you, whether it be diet related or exercise related).

    Jenny, CW: 183.2. Green Team.
    One thing I struggled with this week was finding time to workout. I work two jobs for a total of anything from 12 to 14 hours a day for five days of the week.

    A huge tip is pack all your meals the night before. I do that so there is no chance of failure. I know I can only eat whats in my bag and nothing more. Helps me stay accountable.

  • Helinah26
    Helina CW: 243.4 GREEN TEAM!!!:D One struggle i had this week was keeping my motivation going. and trying not to eat bad foods.
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Hi!! My name is Christy and I am on the Green Team. I weigh 195.5.

    Ugh, One thing I struggled with this week and all weeks is the weekend and eating out. I know I did horrible this weekend. It was my husband's 30th birthday and I threw him a surprise birthday party followed by a night out with alcohol. I have a hard time cutting out the eating out in my life because I have been losing weight steadily with it. Sooo no motivation to cut back on eating out right now although I know it isn't very healthy! Monday is the start of a new week and I am determined to do better this week!

    My obvious answer for what I am grateful for is my beautiful daughter. She is the reason I am on this journey. And, my super supportive husband who is also losing weight. However, I am also super grateful right now for finding a gorgeous dress this weekend that looks good on me for my 10 year reunion coming up :wink:

    Good luck to everyone green AND purple!!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone, I can't wait to get to know you all, we have a pretty large group of people here, stick with it and know that YOU can do this!

    NAME: Kim, not too far off my screen name :P
    WEIGHT: 210 lbs

    The one thing I struggled with this week was getting my workouts in. I need to up my game with that this week. I am grateful for my husband, without his support with so many things in my life I would truly be alone in this struggle, I appreciate that most of all.
  • monkeyfood
    Name: Mandy (monkeyfood)
    Current Weight: 215.4
    Team: Purple
    This week I'm struggling with motivation, I only lost .2lbs in a week so that has been discouraging. I also have been fighting the kitchen at night. Once it hits 10pm my brain thinks it needs something unhealthy.
  • Brittany689
    Purple Team!
    My name is Brittany
    I'm the worst when it comes to snacking I aways go for junk food. I'm so grateful that I have my three kids in my life I love them so much and they always help me get off the couch and move.
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Hi everyone I'm UltimateLover, my current weight is 160lbs. I'm on the green team, yay :) I have struggled with keeping motivated this week. I seem to want to snack a lot this week.

    One tip for everyone is to join a team if you can. If you don't show up, you are not only letting yourself down, you are letting others down as well. Good luck to everyone :D
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    My name is Tari and I am on the PURPLE TEAM!.

    I weigh in at 174.8. I struggle with my saturday night beer drinking habit:grumble: goal is to not drink like that this weekend.
    I am very grateful for my children and husband who love me no matter what my weight is!
  • harmonyhouse
    HELLO EVERYONE!!! Please include Name (if you don't feel comfortable, just your screen name), current weight, team color & two of the following three choices: 1 thing you struggled with this week (can be anything that is anyway related to your success here on MFP), 1 thing you a grateful for in your life, and 1 tip (something you do that helps you, whether it be diet related or exercise related).


    Hey y'all. My name is Kell and I'm on the PURPLE TEAM! I weigh in at 252. I am so thankful for the ability to start over!! For a tip, everyday consider this whole weight loss process as a journey. There will be bumps along the way, but if you keep walking you will get to the end goal!
  • Brittany689
    Hi everyone I'm UltimateLover, my current weight is 160lbs. I'm on the green team, yay :) I have struggled with keeping motivated this week. I seem to want to snack a lot this week.

    One tip for everyone is to join a team if you can. If you don't show up, you are not only letting yourself down, you are letting others down as well. Good luck to everyone :D

    Very true I hope everyone stays with this until the very end.
  • rbcca19
    I'm team green!!

    My CW is 163.2

    I have struggled with being sick this week. It puts a damper on exercising and eating.

    My one tip is to COUNT calories. It's all math. If I really keep track of everything I eat and my exercise, then I am good to go.
  • wahlflower
    wahlflower Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Kim I am on the purple team and Sundays weight is 190.8

    I am eternally grateful for the support of my husband who likes to eat healthy himself so he doesn't mind the lower calorie and lower fat foods. In fact, I rely on him to do almost all of the cooking for our dinners during the week. :-)

    My one tip would be to count the calories, good or bad, track them. It keeps you accountable and makes you aware of whats left for the day and possible how hard you need to work out to make up for that little guilty pleasure you just can't do without sometimes.

    To all my Team Purple buddies, please feel free to send me a friend invite.

    Hope everyone has a an awesome week.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    OKAY! GREAT Thanks for everyone weighing in!! Let the COMPETITION BEGIN!! We lost a couple people along the way, but we still have a good number of people in the competition! I hope everyone sticks with it. =)
  • I am on the GREEN TEAM
    My name is Tiffani
    Current weight: 238 even

    This weekend I was in memphis with my church and I struggled with trying to find healthy things to eat.
  • AmandaR910
    How long will this be going on?
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    im gonna start a thread for purple team that way we can all meet each other and makes it easier to encourage if we know eachother lol
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    How long will this be going on?
    12 weeks!
  • AmandaR910
    How long will this be going on?
    12 weeks!

    Thanks!!! I'm excited that it's that long. I still have 34 days until my baby is here. :)