Workout critique

shmerek Posts: 963 Member
I was just wondering if anyone would see any glaring issues with my workout, it is a quasi push/pull split. I have been lifting for 10 months, I did a beginner program similar to SL for the first 9 and since going into my first “bulk” I switched to this. My goals are to gain size and strength. I prefer to work with dumbbells so if I have a choice between bar and dumbbells I will usually grab the latter. Once I hit the prescribed reps I bump my weight. I lift three times a week and do cross fit type workouts on the other days. If it matters I am 42, 165cm (5’5”) and about 63kg (138lbs)

Bench press 3x8
Incline fly 3x10
Shoulder press 3x10
Lateral raises 2x12
Triceps pushdown 3x12 (single arm supine grip)
Calf raise 3x8
Calf press 2x12
Hanging leg raise 3x15
Hip thruster 3x10
Shrugs 3x12

Pull-ups 3x10 (with added weight)
Bent-over row 3x8
Bicep curl 3x12 (dumbbells, ezbar or cables)
Squat 3x8
Deadlift 3x8
Leg press 2x12
Leg curl 2x12
Shrug 3x12 (just because I love shrugs)
Upright row 2x12 (dumbbells)