
I am new! I am a 36 year old mom of 4 teenagers, about 100 lbs overweight, and my 53 year old husband is in way better shape than I am. I started on the 8th of June and found this site a few days after that. I have lost 6 lbs. I weigh in on Sundays. I am doing my best to workout and stick to my calorie goal. I have P90X but it is way too intense for me right now but I did buy a Wii, I bowl, try to walk, and am looking to buy Tony Hortons 10 minute workout system in the next week or so. Can I tell you how much I want a big juicy cheeseburger with bacon and onion straws.... I hate kale. I just want to lose some weight (ok a lot), learn to eat healthier without sacrificing food I love forever, and get into better shape. This site thus far has been lonely. How does the friend thing work?


  • Kayla86mc
    Kayla86mc Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!! I too have a lot of weight to lose. I also want the cheeseburger and hate Kale, but it's gets easier and your body adjusts to healthy food and eventually craves it. If I have something high fat or calorie or whatever that isn't the best choice, it ends up messing with my taste buds. I don't really enjoy it as much but then I have to teach myself to eat the good stuff again. It's not easy. As far as the friends thing, I have a few friends that I have through facebook. I haven't added any people I don't know in person. This is the first time I have been to the forums. I usually just log my food and exercise and go on with life, lol But it looks like people are pretty active on this site. Good luck with everything!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Welcome..add me if ya want. I'm looking to loose about 105 lbs, Im'm getting there. Oh ya one more thing yes I hate Kale. I juiced kale for a week and it was awful. LOL