First diet ever!

I can't believe I'm actually losing weight. I've never been on a diet, I've cheated a lot and haven't started exercising yet and lost 8 lbs in a month. I've got about 32 lbs to go to get to goal weight of 120 lbs. This makes me excited about my future! I just wanted to write this blog to motivate people who are struggling with their diet. The secret is don't give up even if you gain a pound or two. Consistency is key. Just like with anything in life. Good luck to everyone!


  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm about the same, but I started with working out a lot and eating less and drinking tons of cold water. Oh and switched to diet pop. My problem was I was drinking nothing but regular pop pretty much almost always and eating horrible food and I have digest problems apparently... being a woman. But I lost 18 lbs that way and pretty fast but kinda just quit trying but have kept to mostly diet pop and haven't been gorging myself but I do eat what I want if I'm really wanting it and I'm down 27lbs now. So I've lost 9 in the past month or more doing about nothing as well. Weird isn't it? But hey, I'll take it! Good luck to you!!
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Thanks so much! Good luck to you too! Wow, you have lost 33lbs that motivates me even more.
  • lauramorris85
    This is my first time to try and lose weight as well. I stopped eating fast food and drink mainly water (occassionally strawberry milk). In 2 weeks I've lost 5 pounds :) I'm currently at 142 and want to get down to around 120 although I'd probably be happy at 125 lol.
    Keep it up girl, we can do this!!!!
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Thanks! I'm actually surprised it's working for me but it is and all I can do is keep going. After I had my daughter I weighed the most I ever weighed 150. Then I lost some weight without even trying two years after she was born. I lost the weight because I was going through some positive changes(I left the father of my child) and I was happy but after about 4 years later I gained it back and then some. My heaviest ever at 165. I just was sick of it and said I refuse to get any bigger and it's not healthy. So I found this app through my iphone and the rest is history. I get excited every morning before I weigh myself (well that's if I didn't cheat on my diet the night before) and then I'm kind of dreading it. I weigh myself every morning, it helps me really keep track of my weight. And yes we can do this!