How to STOP binging?

Alright, so I have been doing great as far as watching what I eat, how big my portions are, and consuming only good foods like fruits and veggies and all that jazz. However, I find that ever since I started dieting or watching what I eat, I've been more prone to binging. I'll eat so well for an entire week or more and then one night (or sometimes, even a whole weekend) I will just eat and eat and eat. A brownie, some ice cream, granola bars, some drink at Starbucks...I've even craved chocolate chip cookies so badly one time that, even though I had no cash in dollars, I rummaged through my piggy bank, gathered up $5 in quarters, and ran to the nearest grocery store to buy cookie dough. If that isn't sick, I don't know what is :/

So, my question to you is this: how the heck do you seriously stop binging?! Nothing helps me; thinking about how much I used to weigh and not wanting to go back to it, thinking about how good I'm doing/was doing, how I want my body to look, how healthy I am, not even the fact that I reached my goal weight. Nothing motivates me to stop, and I don't know what to do! It might be because I don't allow myself a "cheat" day or that I don't eat a piece of chocolate after dinner every night, but I've lost 13lbs. without either of those things, so why should I bother now?


  • chicabean420
    chicabean420 Posts: 173 Member
    I don't know how to stop the binging, but just know you're not alone. I also go through spurts where I feel like I'm self-sabotaging! I don't know either....I find I mostly eat when I'm bored, so I try to do something else.
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    just allow yourself to have a cheat day once a week or relax it more on your weekend whatever is easier on you.
  • rundgrenfan
    Log it before you eat it and then hit "complete entry for the day". If it's not going to make a big enough difference in five weeks to bother you, then eat it! If it will hurt your progress and motivation, then delete it and try to resist! Just taking the time to do this has saved me a few times from shoving something in my mouth out of habit.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Binge eating is a common (over) eating disorder.

    You are definitely not alone. Read through a few topics here, and it will come up over and over.

    There are some good challenges here that deal with this, join one and try being accountable to others - it helps! Even joining a team on myfitnesspal is a great experience and helps you learn and be accountable.

    The more time you spend in the journey the more you will begin to assimilate the thoughts and theories into your life. This is not an over-night process. It takes a long time to fine-tune your eating.

    Be kind to yourself after you binge. Try to think of the emotional trigger that led to the binge. Were you angry? Lonely? Bored? Frustrated? There was likely some incident that led to the emotional eating. You probably weren't simply hungry.

    Good luck. You can do this.