
My name is Erin. I have struggled with weight issues all my life. I have done weight watchers several times and have had success but then failed. Im going to try calorie counting as suggested by my weight doctor. How do you all like it? :smile:


  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome aboard! I'm new too...but not to weight loss...and gain. This site I find to be the best for tracking calories. Easy to customize. Joy in the journey!
  • jwhit6
    jwhit6 Posts: 14 Member
    Erin this site has been a dream come true. I was introduced to it in January this year and truely haven't looked back. My biggest achievement was to BELIEVE that between 0.5 and 1 lb weight loss each week - was a FANTASTIC result.

    I too have yo yo dieted with weight watchers but find calorie counting sooooo much easier. Calories are recorded on everything nowadays. My super market shop takes a bit longer though - while I'm busy reading the packaging !!!!

    There is loads of support here .and the site is really easy to use - I've hit a bit of a plateau since July ish - being delighted with almost 2 stone lost, I've kind of lost mo momentum and my weight has stuck at the same figure for over 3 months - that in itself is a miracle as I have not been eating as well as I should have....

    Just reading some of the community reviews today - has really helped my to try and focus again - I desperately want to lose at least another 8 lb and I will not stop now.

    Good luck on your journey - and hope you achieve all your goals.
